foot steps in the sand leading up to the cross

What would Jesus think or feel

Charles Shedd wrote In His Steps, which is where we find the phrase “What Would Jesus Do” or WWJD.  Did you have a bracelet or some other item to remind you to ask yourself What Would Jesus Do when you face various situations?  Well, I didn’t buy into the craze simply because when you work… Continue Reading What would Jesus think or feel

Hands making signs with cross in the middle of heart

‘Follow your heart’ – to train wreck

One of the prevailing themes in today’s culture is “Follow your heart”.  Can we look at this? I am not a dietician, but a pastor.  Nothing I share is to be taken as physical medical advice or counsel.  I am a pastor and I share from the Word of God about matters that impact our spiritual health. There… Continue Reading ‘Follow your heart’ – to train wreck

heart with dna genetics

The problem of my heart (genetics)

We were created with excellence, the very height of creation, and are marvelously and wonderfully made.  Yet in spite of the wonder of our creation, we have been separated by sin and shame, marred since the fall, and therefore separated from the very God who created us. John Calvin in the Institutes of the Christian… Continue Reading The problem of my heart (genetics)