exercise daily - walk with Jesus sign

Act Now!

In the last three weeks we have looked first at nutrition (stocking the pantry of your mind) and in the last two weeks at exercise (towards godliness).  By the very word “exercise,” there is an image of movement, but I have observed that there are many in the church who have little or no movement.  One of the passages on February 5 was Philippians 2:12-16, where we hear, “Work out your salvation.” One of my doctors at some point made this simple suggestion, which I find so difficult to implement.  “Once you are finished eating, get up and move for the next 15 minutes. Whether that is a walk around the block or doing the dishes, just move.” 

There is a spiritual application here as well; when we have finished nourishing ourselves on the Word of God, we need to put it into practice immediately.  When we see something in what we have just read or heard and  it pricks our heart, or brings conviction or encouragement, we need to act on it.  The doctor said this helps the metabolism of my physical body to put the food I have just eaten to use in my body.  The same thing spiritually.  When I read and see something and put it into practice, it will change me, grow me, strengthen me and allow the spiritual truths to be planted deeper into my heart rather than sooner washed away in the busyness of life.

Pressing On,

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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