upside down world picture

Turn the world upside down

Jesus taught with authority.  Of those that heard, some were astonished only to be angered later by Jesus’ statements equating Himself with God.  Others would believe, follow and be transformed.  This is the way it has always been; you either believe and commit, or you question, deny and walk away.  In John 6:27 Jesus tells the people,… Continue Reading Turn the world upside down

Golden Calf

What comes out of your furnace?  

Weird question, right?  Let me give some context.  Last Sunday we looked at worship and one of the things I mentioned was the Israelites at the base of Mt Sinai waiting for Moses to come back from ascending the mountain.  When he had been gone too long, in their estimation, they requested Aaron to make… Continue Reading What comes out of your furnace?  

drag queens at the olympic ceremony

Christ as He really is

There is great uproar over the Olympic opening ceremony mockery of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, as well there should be.  Remember though that the painting itself is an inaccurate portrayal of this celebration of the Passover by Jesus and his disciples just prior to His betrayal, arrest and crucifixion (followed by His resurrection).  The outrage that… Continue Reading Christ as He really is