
Will God Allow A Nuclear War To Occur?

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Jesus said,> “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.’ (Matthew 24:6)

Thanks in part to the use of American and British long-range missiles by Ukraine against Russia, the fear of a nuclear weapon used by Russia in retaliation, followed by a greater response by the US and NATO is increasingly escalating from the realm of improbable to possible, even to the thought of being more likely than not.  It is hoped that cooler heads will prevail, especially since there will be a new American President coming in soon, but is a nuclear war, limited or all-out, something that could happen under the watchfulness of the Lord?

Scriptures give several nuclear-warfare-like descriptions for End Time prophecies.  In Daniel 11, there is the description of two major conflicts between the kingdoms of the North and the South; in Joel 1 and 2, there is the description of a ‘locust army’ followed by an attack of fire that destroys fields and livestock, and in Revelation 8 the Trumpet judgments describes what many fear a nuclear exchange, and the post-nuclear ‘winter’ would look like.  So could Scriptures support any limited or all-out nuclear war scenarios, before the End Times? 

The truth is simply, yes – and it has already happened.  In 1945, one nation (the US) used all of its nuclear arsenal (two plane-borne atomic bombs) on another country (Japan).   Scriptures did not go away, nor did God, because of a new-type of warfare brought out by man.  Developments of any weapon is not a surprise to God.  In Matthew 24, Jesus tells His disciples exactly this in the warning He gives in verse 8, that wars will break out, or at least the talk of such. 

Jesus is telling them (and us), ‘I know things are going to happen, I’ve just told you things are going to happen, and these things need to happen.  You may not know when it will happen but don’t be shocked when it does.’  That nuclear exchange that ended World War II (albeit one-sided) did not indicate the End Times were upon us, nor did it indicate a start to the End Times.  A nuclear exchange between the US and Russia (at this point improbable, given both sides understand the stakes involved) would also not necessarily be an ‘End-Time’ event (as least from the Scriptural viewpoint).  Wars have been fought continuously since the Ascension of Jesus (in Acts 1:8-9) and will be fought until the Battle of Armageddon upon His return. 

A nuclear war, as terrible as it would be for those who are involved, is another type of warfare.  Don’t fall into the trap of thinking, ‘well, it won’t happen as Jesus will take His church up in the Rapture first’; we will go through trials and (‘little-t’) tribulation, and we have not been called up yet, despite COVID, the increase of evil, abominations, desolations, etc.  All any of us can say is, we are one day closer to the Lord’s return, and that we need to be ready – for His return, and to share the Gospel until He does. 

It is very likely another ‘Dark Age’, whether caused by war, famine, or pestilence, will occur – perhaps as part of the ‘birthing pains’ and not part of the Tribulation.  Only God knows what will occur; take comfort that He is in control, and if you are Saved, having accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, whatever happens you know with Blessed Assurance your Eternal future is secure with Him.

The US’ role in the End Times is not readily made apparent.  The US could be clean as a whistle and have a prominent supporting role or has already been reduced to ashes, or something in between leading into the End Times.  But what we can deduce is that the US is not the ‘center of the universe’ when it comes to Scripture, Israel is.  Israel is God’s chosen people and God’s chosen land.  The key takeaway to this is what the Lord has been telling us all along; BE PREPARED, BE AWARE, PLAN ACCORDINGLY.  We should not be surprised at what is happening and what we need to do.  Continue to throw a life-line to as many people, per the Great Commission!  Don’t be alarmed, don’t worry, just keep working for the Lord.

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One Comment

  1. How come so many people don’t believe what is happening? So many people… It’s like when you even talk about it they look lost confused or annoyed. It’s funny but at same time it’s not, because this includes my family. A military family has been warning us, but not many are listening. Why so many soulless people? Why?

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