
Why Globalism Is Anti-Christian & Anti-American

Word-Of-The-Day:  ‘The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.’ (Revelation 13:1)

The goal of ‘globalism’ is essentially to encapsulate the world population under a single, one-world government.  There have been several efforts and attempts to accomplish this; overtly we saw the Soviet Union attempt to spread Marxist Communism (began in the mid-1800’s by Karl Marx) throughout the world in what was called a ‘domino effect’, first in neighboring nations such as China, Mongolia, and North Korea. 

It then used force in Eastern Europe, placing East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Yugoslavia, and Hungary behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ in the 1950’s.  It then spread Communism through covert efforts in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central & South America (culminating in the fall of Cuba in 1959 and North Vietnam (then all of Vietnam), Laos, and Cambodia by the mid-1970s). 

By the 1980’s, however, China’s Maoist Communist government began to rival the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe started to repel the totalitarian yoke upon them (led by Poland’s Solidarity movement, Pope John Paul II’s appeals to the Catholics behind the Iron Curtain to speak up, and Ronald Reagan’s push to bankrupt the Soviets economically through the Strategic Defense initiative). Other fractures in the Communist movement started to occur (Cambodia’s ‘Year Zero’, North Korea’s Kim family dynasty, Albania’s Hoxha philosophy of total control of all life’s aspects).  By 1989, with the fall of the Berlin Wall and with it the Iron Curtain, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 swept back much of the Marxist Communism that was threatening the world.

However, another form of one-world government was also forming in the late-1800’s to compete with Communism, a ‘Communist-lite’ version called Socialism.  In the US, it started as Progressivism by the 1900’s and today it can be found under the ‘Woke’ movements championed by those of the far-left faction of the Democratic party (the ‘Squad’, for example).  This seeks a Keynesian economic model of one-world control, where governments control the markets’ supply and demand (and corporate production), as opposed to capitalism or free-market economics of the consumers’ desires controlling supply and demand (and corporate production is free to respond to this). 

The League of Nations, followed by the United Nations, are weak frameworks of this but were created under Progressive concepts.  A stronger version is the European Union, the economic confederation of Western Europe’s nations, as it falls under this model and has its monetary system under the ‘Euro’.  There is also a Persian Gulf version of this model (GCC) as well as an Eastern Caribbean model (UEC).   The EU has taken some lumps as Great Britain recently broke away from the EU via ‘Brexit’, and several nationalist movements in EU cornerstone nations such as France (under LePen) have shook the foundations of the EU’s unity. 

The power of the EU has driven several American presidents to strive to create a similar structure for the US.  The Bush-Clinton-Bush drive for the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA attempted to create a Canada-US-Mexico version of the EU; the Obama administration attempted to create a Pacific Rim consolidation of free trade and economic tie-ins.  Also, the use of China as a cheaper alternative to American labor created an atmosphere where manufacturing left the US for China as well as Mexico, Taiwan and Vietnam. 

This loss of manufacturing has been damaging to the US in both national security as well as technologically, and has been a ‘brain-drain’ for our ingenuity, with China using both overt and covert means to steal and ‘copycat’ our latest developments.  Donald Trump’s use of tariffs, the renegotiations of NAFTA and the repeal of the Pan-Pacific consolidation, and the financial enticements for the reintroductions of manufacturing jobs back to the US has retarded in not stopped this effort.

There is also an underlying, possibly more sinister movement in play.  Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, George Soros of the Open Society Foundation, and others are creating a network of people throughout the world via financial and personal ties to take control away from national governments and unify this control through the influencing of local governance and non-government organizations, leading into control of national governance through this influence. 

The Black Lives Matter organization, the Green Environmental movement, LGBTQ, the collusion of the mainstream media, and the push for ‘politically correct’ activities in corporate and public operations can be traced back to these influencers.  There have been pushes for civilian disarmament, the suspension of free speech, and restrictions of free movement through these influencers using these politically-correct activities, including restrictions on Christian activities.   

The push to ‘globalize’ the world’s supply of goods and services through restrictions were pushed forward by the COVID pandemic.    What is the end-goal of globalism?  Essentially it is to remove national governments and place global control under a single government format.  There may be national governments, but these will be subservient to ‘The Powers That Be’, who dictate what to think, where to go, what to consume, how to act, etc.  We already see the control being pushed down; through the vilification of Christianity, fossil fuels, free speech, and American/Western values, people are voluntarily giving control up to these influencers. 

The Scriptures of Revelation 13, with support from Daniel 7 and 12, while a bit difficult to fully understand, talk of a one-world government or influence developing through the Satanic triad of Satan, the False Prophet (Revelation 13:11 & 16:13), and the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).  There will be major individual world powers that will taken over by an overarching ‘superpower’.  It will not be the US or a traditional government as we currently are familiar with, but one that comes from the destruction of these governments (either physical through wars or through the influence of globalist pressures to conform) that will push the world population to follow this new power.

This new power will likely be one that is charismatic and says alluring things of a utopian nature that will be underlying Satanic principles.  This will coincide with a ‘one-size-fits-all’ religion that will attempt to replace Christianity with a secular worldview ‘gospel’ of tolerance and conformity.  (Never forget tolerance, when it comes to sin that goes against God’s Word, is NOT a Christian virtue.) 

This overarching control, whether by a one-world government or through a unified influence, will likely be tied by technology.  We already see how the mainstream media can create mantras that people hear and repeat; ‘systemic racism’ is an example of such a mantra of a widespread issue that in reality never existed in the scope that is presented to the American public.  Finance is now ‘digital’, with tangible money (printed dollars and minted coins) replaced with a number in a database; the money in your electronic paycheck goes into your electronic bank account, and many pay bills through electronic transfers.  Debit cards have replaced tangible money in wallets for shopping purposes.   Debt is now ‘king’ with credit cards to purchase everything from cars to pizzas. 

Technology is not only encompass the financial, but the social.  In China, there is already social credit scoring; if you are found in concurrence in supporting government- or the overarching influenced-approved principles and speech the higher social score you receive.  Social credit in supporting the ‘current thing’ (think Ukraine, LGBTQ, transgendering children, green initiatives – all without question or debate) already is used in the US, Canada, and Australia to provide or restrict financial, job, and service opportunities.  Canada used this recently to restrict people’s access to their bank accounts; those who were found to support the Canadian Truckers’ Convoy had their banking access suspended and property confiscated.    The push toward ‘Digital ID’ is something that can be used to track – and restrict – movement and purchasing by government fiat.

Intertwining these two may be the future of personal interaction, to buy food, to gain employment, or to gain or provide services.  The technology already exists to have this occur via The Mark of the Beast prophecy (Revelation 13:16-17), where to access information and interact with others for basic needs like food, housing, transportation would require a ‘chip’ containing all of your financial data and social status, placed in your right hand or forehead, to allow it to be scanned for instant access or rejection.  In France and Australia, under COVID, a person without the vaccine ‘passport’ could not shop for food or were forced to move into an ‘isolation camp’, so the preliminary movement toward this endgame is already happening.

Will we as Christians see ‘globalism’ come before the Rapture?  I cannot answer that, but we already are seeing it’s development and the push to accomplish it, so we will likely (I surmise with an educated guess) see the early implementation of the one-world ideology that reduce nationalities into global conformity.  Until the Rapture of the Church, when Jesus will call His followers together and take us ‘home’ with Him, we as Christians need to continue to standfast, and stand together, upon the foundation of Jesus – and continue to drive the Gospel to those who need the Gift of Salvation.    

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