Political Speech

Who Should You Choose On Election Day?

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.’ (Proverbs 4:23); ‘Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.’ (2 Corinthians 4:2)

The United States is about to select its new leader in November 2024.  We have two candidates, now both with their running mates picked.  The two tickets are in many ways polar opposites in their positions, commentaries, and philosophies so the decision the American citizen makes should not be gray or cloudy.  It is not for a pastor, elder, or church leader to tell you how to vote (unless the subject is so off-the-rails ungodly that it requires a steadfast oppositional response in upholding the Lord and His Word), or for who to vote for but to provide you Godly guidance in Scriptures.

One item to look at in a candidate for office is what comes from their speeches, and what comes from their actions.  Both candidates for President have both a track record in both speech and actions.  One is the former President and the other the current Vice President so there is a body of evidence that can be compared; which one has done better in terms of both upholding God’s principles and in a secular view the benefit of their constituents’ lives?

To the Christian, each candidate must be compared to the qualities of leadership found in the Bible.  In Proverbs 4:23, Solomon provides us that the heart or inner-self of a candidate (actually, all individuals) can be seen through the outflow they provide – their words and deeds.   Sometimes a candidate speaks good words to appease the citizenry, but their actions are opposite in what they say and hurt the majority of the people.  It can be vice versa – their speech is sometimes fraught with outrageous commentary but their actions portray righteous leanings addressing the concerns and needs of the citizenry.  The best candidate is the one who speaks in Godly ways and perform righteous acts to the benefit of the people. 

The righteous candidate will follow 2 Corinthians 4:2, being transparent and open, not hiding behind the subterfuge of government or privilege to keep information, and their true motives and intentions, away from the American people.  Which candidate is more open in their platform and have shown their actions match what they said they would do, and which candidate twists the truth for personal advantage?  Who subverts or ignores God’s Word and His precepts by their actions? 

Before one should choose a candidate, a self-examination needs to be performed.  Do you support and uphold God’s Word and His Will, or do you have a ‘but’ statement in your own ‘platform’?  ‘I fully obey God, but I support <insert ungodly act here>’ can skew your decision away from the righteous candidate.  It is not Republican or Democrat who we should focus on, but Godly vs. ungodly, or Righteous vs. unrighteous in how we need to think about our own platform.  Many have proven their support or opposition on topics such as abortion, LGBTQ rights, child gender fluidity, Constitutional freedoms (including religious freedoms), ‘wokeness’, globalist policies (economics, climate change, food controls); what do you believe is the Godly view in these topics, and have you ensured that your view matches God’s or are you using a ‘but’ statement?

This is not to belittle anyone’s leaning or affiliation with one party or the other.  Both, in my humble opinion, are lacking; but which one best follows Godly principles is the question you as a Christian should ask.  The Word of God, as a follower in Christ has it written on their heart; your vote should be reflective what is on your heart (Proverbs 4:23) and not in deception between what you say and how you vote (2 Corinthians 4:2).  Remember, the United States will elect for President the one who is corporately desired, and the one who is corporately deserved.  I pray we desire and deserve the most Godly candidate as our leader.

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