
When A Nation Strays Far From God, Be Ready For Some Adjustments To Be Made

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(29) <God said to Jeremiah,> “Should I not punish them for this?” declares the Lord. “Should I not avenge myself on such a nation as this?” (30) “A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: (31) The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?”’ (Jeremiah 5:29-31)

In this passage, the people of Israel are about to be taken over and exiled to Babylon, due to their unrepentant actions against God and His ways.  It was a nation that flagrantly and publicly proclaimed its debauchery and its disdain against God’s morals and ethics, very similar to what we have today; a people that often combine many illicit activities into one ‘swell foop’. 

A case in point: at the beginning of 2023, a drug company executive proclaimed his company is unethically creating COVID strains to make vaccines when these variants come out.  Just how these variants come out is a question to ponder, but why would a company think it would ethical and moral to alter an already-deadly virus that already destroyed much of the world’s economy, in order to make a vaccine for this newly created virus and in turn make money from it?  Why does this man think this is OK and normal?  As many who are shocked over these revelations, however, there are just as many defending this executive and his company as being ‘forward thinking’.

The same applies to ‘works of art’ in that were unveiled earlier this year, in Boston for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and in New York City for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  While many people are finding these representations repugnant and reprehensible, other are defending these works as ‘brave’ and ‘inspiring’.  Just like the Israelites believed offering their children to Baal or Molech was ‘avant-garde’ and forward-thinking in their day. 

The facts that God had helped the Israelites escape Egypt, take over Canaan, strengthen and enrich Israel through their Faith were overcome with the feelings that once they ‘arrived’, that it was their ‘power of positivity’ and ‘modern thinking’ that got them there, that slowly God was replaced in society with ‘socially-acceptable’ perceptions of untruths or half-truths.  Just like today, and we end up not with a MLK or RBG statue that truly honors and respects their legacy, but a warped and grotesque perception of what some believe they want them to represent – just like many ‘progressive Christian’ churches and the ‘God’ they have warped into their perception of who they want to worship.

The warning God gave to Jeremiah is a warning for us today; much of what the secular ‘mainstream’ is saying today is a flat-out lie.  Art is not ‘brave’ or ‘representing’ if it is grotesque and out of context; freedom of speech is not free if any of it is censored for ‘feelings’; worshipping God is not worship if you apply a ‘but’ statement upon it to make more ‘socially palatable’.  If it against God’s Word, it’s not made OK because it makes people feel OK. God’s Word is supposed to convict when it needs to convict. 

What has happened to our nation and our world today is horrible and shocking, and while many do ‘love’ this ‘wokeness’, where will it lead but to destruction and death for those who do not hold fast to the Lord and His Truth. This adjustment may not come soon enough in our perspective, but it always comes in God’s perfect timing.

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