
We Need To Grow Stronger As The World Grows Darker

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.’ (2 Peter 3:17); ‘(9) The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. (10) Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. (Psalm 9:9-10)

Billy Graham is quoted as saying ‘The Bible tells us that the state of the world will grow darker as we near the end of the age.’  There will be persecution of the Church and many will fall away from Faith, as they will not be strong enough to remain steadfast against the tide of unrighteousness, finding it easier to comply for short-term comfort than for Eternal glory.  There will be economic terrorism (no buying/selling without ‘the Mark’), lawlessness, excessive greed and lust – pretty much how things are in our secular world today, but only much more amplified. (Can it get worse? Yes, it can.) 

Peter, though, in his 2nd ‘Petrine Epistle’, tells us in essence what my motto is: BE PREPARED (‘be on your guard’). BE AWARE (‘since you have been forewarned’), PLAN ACCORDINGLY (to prevent being ‘carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position’).  As mentioned, we cannot do this alone.  If we tried to do this in our own power or know-how, we will likely fail as the enormity of the secular world is too big to overcome – even for those of us who band together to ‘fight the (corrupt) power’.  Part of our preparation and planning must also include God.  David in Psalm 9 recognized that when he was about to get in trouble or was already in trouble (like facing down Goliath) David needed God to help him overcome his foes.

Like the storms that are coming, it is better to be prepared in advance, or to prepare now than to wait when it may be too late.  We must prepare by that which God gave us to be prepared; we must study His Word to know what God can and will provide, what He promises and what He will defend (and not defend).  To gain His instructions we must be in constant contact with Him through our prayers and through our continued obedience.  Having strength in numbers is through fellowship with others who are Faithful to Jesus.  God can use one to accomplish His will, but He also desires the Body of Christ to come together, working under His leadership and guidance as a team to do greater things than what one can do alone. 

With fellowship, we can also keep one another upright and standing firm – if you were on front line facing the enemy, would you be more inclined to stand your ground and fight with your colleagues beside you?  Would you be more inclined to turn around and run away if you found yourself the only one there?  We need each other, and more so we need our Lord.  We can and we will get through anything with our Lord leading us!

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