
We Don’t Need No Thought Control, Or Do We?

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(23) Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. (24) See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.’ (Psalm 139:23-24); ‘Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.’ (Proverbs 16:3)

Although today’s title is ‘We Don’t Need No Thought Control’ (think of that old-time theological hymn, Pink Floyd’s ‘Another Brick In The Wall’), but in fact we do need ‘thought control’.  We need to have a moral foundation in order to speak the Truth and maintain Righteousness in our actions, our thoughts, and our words.  It’s not that we will not have ‘thought control’, but who will control our thoughts?  Will it be the secular ‘woke’ mob that dictates your thoughts, or will it be God? 

Proverbs 16:3 tells us that if we allow God to dictate what we do, He will guide us and lay out His plans for us.  God tells us literally the Gospel Truth about all things.  He created us in His image, in the way He designed us to be, perfect in His planning.  God even says people (particularly young people) will go out on their own, allow them to do so and they should see what is right and return on their own, without force or coercion.

Contrast this with the plans of the secularists today; you, your children (and grandchildren) should be at least accepting of LGBTQ, and if they don’t want to be boys (if they are born boys) or girls (if they are born girls) that they can be whatever they dream up – usually as told to them by a grooming adult in their life.  Secularism says you should be for abortion, sexual debauchery, drag queen shows for children.  Society teaches you shouldn’t fight this – shut up and color by the numbers!   The ‘woke’ says you have ‘choice’ over your body, unless it’s a vaccine, then you must comply or face internment. Mainstream news tells us we can freely vote but the only one you can vote for without consequence is the only one allowed on the ballot and endorsed by mainstream. Try to leave the ‘woke’ mob, or speaking against them, gets you subjected to social beatdowns and threats of ‘re-education’ or arrest.

In this battle between God’s ways and the ways of secularism, we may come across things that we may have internal conflicts over what is Righteous or not.  Should I speak up and face arrest or ridicule, or should remain quiet for now?  Psalm 139 tells us that God knows us, and also knows whether we are on the right path or not, and knows on how receptive we are to ‘course correction’.  If we are truly in God’s will, he will lead us into doing the right thing. 

Telling the Truth (‘I am praying, even in public’, ‘I am against LGBTQ activities and child grooming’) may get us arrested or may get us into a ‘get re-educated or else’ situation.  But look at what happened in the cases of where Christians have been persecuted in the ‘West’ for upholding their Faith in public; it has been widely reported and has given negative publicity to the actions taken against them.  While they may yet face further reprisals, it gives us the opportunity to prepare ourselves to strengthen our resolve and know others are also supportive of the Truth.

God is with us, He will guide us and with the Holy Spirit, lead us into what we need to speak and do, according to His will.  Secularism has an expiration date and will go away (the same time Satan is tossed into the Lake of Fire); the Lord is eternal and is always fresh and refreshing.  Who do you want to control your thoughts?

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