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True value

This past Sunday I shared that our purpose and our value come directly from God and His creation of us.  Our purpose being to glorify Him in all that we do.  Our value is found in His statement that at the end of creation, everything He saw was very good.  This includes the creation of man and woman.  Yet with the Fall in Genesis 3, God demonstrates the value we have as He provides clothing, and later Christ comes to die to redeem us from sin and death, providing the means we need to have a relationship with God eternally once again.  

God values life.  Yet in our culture today (due to the sin in Genesis 3) we can be selfish and focus our desires to please (glorify) ourselves rather than God.  Man clamors for “my rights”, when honestly the only thing we are entitled to as sinners before a holy God is death and hell.  These are the results of man living for himself, determining for himself and satisfying himself, rather than the God who created him.  One of the ways this is demonstrated today is the manufactured “right of abortion.”  While God values life, man values freedom from God so he can have his rights.  I stated on Sunday that I can think of no way that abortion, the ending of innocent life, brings glory to God.

In our state, Florida, there is an issue on the ballot, Amendment 4.  It is deceptive and destructive to life.  It must be defeated by voting NO on Amendment 4.  I want to provide you with some sources where you can read to understand and then share with those around you so that an informed populace – rather than a deceived one – votes knowledgeably.

A letter of explanation from Florida Baptist Children’s Home (name soon changing to One More Child) –

Digital resources from Florida Baptist Children’s Home –

Link to slides shared in sermon on Sunday –

Vote NO on Amendment 4 website – (contains video explaining the Amendment and its intended purposes)

Join me in praying and talking with others about the need to Vote NO on Amendment 4.  If you have college students as children or grandchildren who can vote in this election, inform them about the deceptive and destructive nature of this Amendment.  Someone will be talking to your family and your neighbors.  It needs to be you.  And not just about this Amendment, but more importantly, about the gospel and the purpose and value of each of their lives before God.  

Pressing On…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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