holy spirit white dove flying from hands

The truth shall make you free

What is the key that unlocks forgiveness?  So many struggle with the idea of forgiveness – needing it, wanting to extend it, even forgiving themselves.  So what is the key to forgiveness?  John 8:31-36 is crystal clear that truth is the key to forgiveness.  Truth about who we really are, what we really need and what really plagues us.  Truth isn’t an idea or a thought someone had, but truth resides in who God is.  Truth is not something we can change, nor something that we can determine for ourselves; truth originates and comes to us from the very person and mind of God. 

Jesus tells His audience “If you reside in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  Truth from God reveals that we are all broken and sinful.  Truth from God reveals we all need forgiveness and only as we respond to and live in the truth can we come to know and experience forgiveness.  Some might argue they are good and well without the truth of God, but Jesus responds “that whoever commits sin is a slave to sin.”  Sin comes from us living apart and in rebellion to the truth of God.  Whether we want to admit it or not, it is literally us saying we know better (our truth is greater) than God.  And Jesus says this enslaves us, puts us in chains, in bondage – and the only key to opening those chains is truth, the truth of God.

How does this tie into the message from Sunday?  The Holy Spirit, who came and indwells every believer is the Spirit of truth.  John 15:26 says, “But when the Helper comes, who I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.”  Jesus identifies Himself as the Truth in John 14:6 (I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me”).  The Holy Spirit will guide believers today in knowing and remembering the teachings and commands of Jesus, that we might remain free of entanglement with sin by guiding us in all truth.  Jesus shepherded and led the 12 specifically, and the other 100 plus that followed Him.  Today, the Holy Spirit shepherds all believers across the globe to follow the commands of Jesus.  What is the testimony we can give to others?  The truth – once I was a mess, caught up in sin, in desperate need of forgiveness – that Jesus sets us free.  That we can be forgiven and that we can then forgive in ways we never dreamed possible.  Even forgiving myself so that I can live a purposeful life living for the glory of the One who forgave and saved me, Jesus Christ.  

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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One Comment

  1. Heidi says:

    Very good illustration pastor easy to understand we do need the Holy Spirit to live through us if we want to live a holy life in Jesus

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