heart with dna genetics

The problem of my heart (genetics)

We were created with excellence, the very height of creation, and are marvelously and wonderfully made.  Yet in spite of the wonder of our creation, we have been separated by sin and shame, marred since the fall, and therefore separated from the very God who created us.

John Calvin in the Institutes of the Christian Religion says it this way:

“For as God at first formed us in his own image, that he might elevate our minds to the pursuit of virtue, and the contemplation of eternal life, so to prevent us from heartlessly burying those noble qualities which distinguish us from the lower animals, it is of importance to know that we were endued with reason and intelligence, in order that we might cultivate a holy and honorable life, and regard a blessed immortality as our destined aim. At the same time, it is impossible to think of our primeval dignity without being immediately reminded of the sad spectacle of our ignominy and corruption, ever since we fell from our original [design] in the person of our first parent.”

As we are reminded of our separation and shame due to sin, we need to come to the realization that this corruption of sin infects all men – and all parts of men – to the extent that there is nothing we can do to merit the favor and grace of God to restore the relationship.  God is the offended.  Grace and mercy must begin and come from Him, the offended, towards all men, who are the offenders.  For our sin is not a small thing, but instead is outright rebellion and rejection of the rightful place of God in all Creation.  Our sin tells God to move aside from the throne, we are going to take “our rightful” seat.

This is the reason that salvation begins with a call from the Holy Spirit, the offended.  And there must be surrender to the call of God to salvation, for we must lay down our rebellion and rejection; that our will is surrendered.  And this is why following Jesus shows our salvation as we move off the throne, asking God to retake His rightful place, with us moving to our designed and designated place as the image bearers of God to all creation. 

Today we are to serve as image-bearers to a lost and searching world, reflecting the light of God, sowing the truth of the Gospel, declaring the Kingdom of God through the person and work of Christ so that the Holy Spirit brings to fruition the seeds of the gospel in others, just as He did in you.  In eternity, our rightful place as image bearers will be in the swelling throng to lift our voices in praise and glory to God.  And I firmly believe we will have work to continue to do just as Adam was given prior to the fall in the garden.  So work now, for there is work to come!

Pressing on,

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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