a man on his knees praying

The only hope for the needs no one else can meet

Mark 10:46-52 tells of the encounter of Bartimaeus and Jesus, and the resulting life change Bartimaeus experienced.  What change needs to happen in your life today?  There are lessons to be learned from Bartimaeus.  First, he had needs and did all that he could to satisfy those needs by begging.  Imagine the work he had to do every day; working his way from wherever he slept to a spot where he would encounter as many travelers through Jericho as possible, in hopes of finding support through the generosity of others.  Second, it doesn’t seem like he had many friends; otherwise, don’t you think they would have helped him get in position to meet Jesus?  Instead, everyone around tells him to be quiet.  Third, he saw hope passing by and with all that he had, he tried to embrace it.  He cried out loudly and continually for Jesus to have mercy on him.  Fourth, he obeyed when he was called and came to Jesus.  Fifth, he responded in faith and followed.  

Far too often today, the expectation is for others to take care of us.  Entitlement is a problem.  Help is wanted, but only if it is delivered and no expectations are in place.  Friendship, as with Bartimaeus, seems to be fickle and fleeting, and many times the feeling is ostracization or marginalization.  The hope that is passing by usually has strings attached, or demands from us.  And the idea to trust is so foreign — much the same as thankfulness and appreciation. And unfortunately, the church can easily find itself shushing the needs rather than providing the mercy and help needed, because others have burned the trust of the church.

If you need help, Jesus hears you and your response of obedience to Him is where you will find mercy and help in your trouble.  If you know Jesus, listen for the cries of need and bring those hurting to Jesus, the only hope for the needs no man can meet.

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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