storm ahead sign

The importance of being prepared

April showers bring May flowers, at least that was what I heard growing up in Ohio.  Here in SWFL, April showers remind us summer humidity is just around the corner.  It is also time to begin your preparations for the summer hurricane season.  I have a list that pops up in my email every year for things to remember to check, purchase, stock, change out or make sure they still start.  (If you want my list, send me an email and I will send it to you.) 

So while we are talking about preparations, can I ask you a question?  What happens when you die?  I mean, we know that hurricane season arrives with the start of June every year.  It would be silly on our part to not at least think about some preparation, right?  Well, in the same way, we watch life around us and everyone dies eventually, so you would think it would be prudent to at least think about what happens when we die, right?  Honestly, I don’t like to think about hurricane season, especially after Ian.  But for me, thinking about what happens when death occurs is filled with hope.  Let me explain.

Everyone dies, so what happens?  Some believe that nothing happens.  That is the end of the matter.  The vast majority of humanity believes something does happen after death.  So if something happens, shouldn’t we prepare for it just as we do for the yearly hurricane season?  Here is my preparation list for death, so that I can live every day with hope..  

  1. Realize there is nothing I can do to stop it from coming, and that I am a broken, sinful man in need of a Savior.
  2. I have tried to fix myself by doing good things, living rightly with other people, even going to church and being baptized, but that wasn’t enough for me to have hope.
  3. Understand that Jesus came to save me from my brokenness and sin by dying for me and rising from the dead never to die again.  But more than understanding is needed.  I have to place my trust in Him rather than in myself and the ways I have been trying to prepare for what happens when I die.
  4. If I really trust Jesus rather than my own ways, then I am going to follow Him and live a life pleasing to Him, otherwise I really only trust myself.  Romans 8:1 says “There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”  That means when I die, I spend eternity with Jesus.  I call that hope!!

So… My preparations are made for death (and will soon be completed for hurricane season 2023).  What about you?  If you have questions or need help, reach out to me.

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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