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What It Means To Be Human…

By Pastor Ron Tipton Sunday, we looked at what it means to be human, from the foundation of God’s design and purpose as revealed in Scripture.  Some might wonder why start there?  The reason is that once we, as the human race, get to Genesis 3 everything about life is focused through our perceptions, desires and wants… Continue Reading What It Means To Be Human…

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The Missing Key To Act Is Love – Loving God & Loving Others

By Pastor Ron Tipton Sunday morning we looked at Romans 12:3-8.  A companion passage is found in I Corinthians 12 where we see in verses 6-7, “And there diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the… Continue Reading The Missing Key To Act Is Love – Loving God & Loving Others


Reading Your Bible: A Holy Practice Leading To Holy Habits

Yesterday, we looked at reading the Bible as a holy practice that leads to holy habits that result in holy living.  Psalm 34:8 tells us, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!  Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 119 is written by stanzas using each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.… Continue Reading Reading Your Bible: A Holy Practice Leading To Holy Habits


Practice Like You Play (& Pray): It Won’t Make You Perfect, But It Will Make You Better

By Pastor Ron Tipton I remember an interview with Allen Iverson (NBA player – https://youtu.be/tknXRyUEJtU) where he was asked about “practice” and his participation.  His rant ran counter to everything I had ever heard from anyone.  I had heard the instruction that “you play like you practice”.  Iverson’s rant communicated to me a “ego-focused”, “I… Continue Reading Practice Like You Play (& Pray): It Won’t Make You Perfect, But It Will Make You Better

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The Cost Of Christmas – A Priceless Gift That’s Free

Remember the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”?  A partridge in a pear tree and five golden rings are the ones I most easily remember.  What is the gift for day 11?  Got it??  (I will give you the entire list at the end of this blog.)  I have found it interesting over the last… Continue Reading The Cost Of Christmas – A Priceless Gift That’s Free

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Decisions Are Always Made – Even If You Don’t Make Them Yourself

By Pastor Ron Tipton I spent most of the morning in Venice at my dermatologist as they did a Moh surgery for some skin cancer on my hand.  I have joked that this is my new weight loss pain – “a bite at a time”.  So how did I end up here?  Well, I went to the… Continue Reading Decisions Are Always Made – Even If You Don’t Make Them Yourself