
Speak The Truth – Don’t Let It Be Suppressed

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(18) The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, (19) since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.’ (Romans 1:18-19)

Until Elon Musk bought Twitter a couple of years ago, it appeared that all social media was out to suppress the Truth. It was replacing facts and substituting it with feelings or what the people running these media outlets wanted the truth to be. The social media platforms suppressed the Truth to push narratives that influenced many toward the ‘woke’ principles that to those of us who understand the Truth, make very little sense; those principles that people are fighting for that hurt them or their loved ones.

Musk recently spoke of being caught up in the ‘woke’ philosophies as COVID fears were at their height, allowing his son Xavier to be given puberty blockers to ‘prevent suicide’. Xavier then became ‘Vivian’ and began the ‘transition’ to becoming a female. Musk has been outspoken since then against ‘wokeness’ and declared his son Xavier was ‘killed’ by it. This in part drove Musk into buying Twitter and making it the ‘anti-woke’ platform and in the secular world (outside of Christian churches) a last bastion of true free speech, where facts could be spoken, or ‘Tweeted’, without being suppressed.

Throughout the course of human events, people have attempted to suppress the truth.  Adam & Eve wanted to suppress the truth from God (Jesus as God Manifested) about eating the forbidden fruit; Cain wanting to suppress the truth about Abel’s better sacrifice of animals over Cain’s vegetation; the Hebrews wanting suppress the truth of God’s omnipotence by the false worship of a golden calf (while at the foot of Mount Horeb where Moses was received the Ten Commandments from God).  There has always been the attempts to suppress the truth, even the Truth of Jesus as God’s manifested son being our sacrifice for our sins bring Salvation, and His Lordship.

Today we can see plainly the lies being set upon the people; abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, debauchery of any kind are held up as ‘good’.  The signs of a weakened people are when the lies are taken as ‘gospel’ truths, and the Gospel Truth of the Good News of Christ is tossed aside.  God is not tolerant when it comes to sin and sinful actions.  His Words are clear here that He has made it known that evil and wicked actions will draw His wrath, that evil actions are always above all else a lie.  God’s words are clear as well that He has made His Words and the expectation of our obedience is known.  Nothing evil is good, and we cannot expect God to provide us His blessings if we have lied to ourselves that evil is good.

How can we know what is ‘good’ and the Truth, versus what is ‘evil’ and a lie?  The answer is simply, Read, Pray, Tune-In, and Fellowship.  Read the Scriptures and study them; pray for the Lord to provide you with direction and discernment; tune into the Holy Spirit to prompt you into giving you insight on what is good or evil; and fellowship with other true Christians (use that Spiritual discernment) that will walk with you (and you walking with them).  The most dangerous lie is one that you tell to yourself to justify a choice (‘this one time won’t hurt…’); turn away and fight the lie by turning to God and His Word, and to the council of other Christians.  Fight for the Truth to be open, and stand for the Truth when evil attempts to suppress it. 

I do not know the spiritual situation with Mr. Musk.  I pray that through his actions to protect the Truth that He draws closer to the Lord so he knows why the Truth is so important to protect and cherish. 

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