Jesus with angels trumpeting

Sign of the times

I have shared before about growing up with a pastor who taught through Revelation and Daniel.  In learning from him I came to the conclusion that I didn’t need to focus my attention on understanding girls or even thinking about getting married because, from all I heard, Jesus was coming back before any of that could happen.  

This thought that Jesus was coming back and I wouldn’t need to be concerned about a variety of things rolled through my mind from time to time, but fortunately I also came to know that Jesus’ return would actually come when least expected, like a thief in the night.  I remember when the European countries began to band together there was tremendous talk about the reforming of the Roman Empire (10 kings), but then their confederacy soared right past 10 countries pretty quickly.  I remember my pastor sharing an article about this massive gathering of carrion birds around the Valley of Megiddo.  This must portend the coming battle of Armageddon, right?  

It is easy for us to watch for signs, to make much of signs, and to be encouraged when we see them – and then be discouraged when Jesus doesn’t return.  Can I give you a different perspective to focus on, to make much of instead of all the signs?  Make much of Jesus!  Make much of His love, grace, mercy, death and resurrection, salvation and cap it all off with His return.  Make much of what He calls us to be and to do as His disciples.  

Let’s not make so much about the signs and when He might return, that in all these discussions about signs and timelines we miss the most important part, which is that He is returning for His Bride, the church, and we will spend the rest of eternity with Him.  And He is looking for a people who are ready, watchful and busy about the Master’s work.  Are the signs important, yes.  But never more important than the person of Jesus Christ our Lord.  

Pressing on…

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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