
Seeking Godly Goods Is Not Economic Terrorism

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<God said to Isaiah>, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”’ (Isaiah 5:20)

This was provided to Isaiah by God as a provision of ‘Woes’ against Israel for turning away from Him; the Woes are warnings against ‘wrong think’, or that which is thought or done that contradicts God’s Word.  As in Isaiah’s time, today we have many who have taken over the narrative of the culture with ‘wrong think’.  We saw this in the concerted effort in ‘Gay Pride Month’ where stores such as Target and Kohl’s, and other corporations such as InBev (the makers of ‘Bud Light’ beer) are promoting gay and transgender products over and above traditional products. 

Since the majority of Americans are not gay or transgender, and do not wish to identify with such behavior, the sales in these stores and products have plummeted along with their stock prices.  In turn, those promoting such evil are now speaking of those not participating or boycotting such products and stores as committing ‘economic terrorism’.  This is a term that translated means those who do not wish to participate in supporting such products and doing what capitalism dictates (low value, low desire, low demand = low sales) are bad people, in the eyes of those who promote evil as ‘good’. 

We who are Christian and are committed instead to Jesus and His principles, understand what is Godly and good needs to be promoted, and what is evil needs to be boycotted and rejected.  This puts us at odds with the secular world, but we live for the approval of Christ and not the world.  We are not ‘economic terrorists’ in repudiating evil with our money but are ‘economic evangelists’ in promoting good, clean products instead.  It is proper for those who have the moral aptitude to reject the promotion of a transgender agenda by not shopping at such stores or buying such products. 

Hard work and ‘early rising’ is also good and not evil.  Salvation is a gift freely given by the Lord; serving Him, however, is not always easy, but is rewarding and pleasing.  Good work is often hard work with levels of effort behind it.  This is not to say one must ‘bust rocks’ or ‘sweat profusely’ to have their work deemed as good but there must be some effort and personal sacrifice of time to earn satisfaction (and money).  To do nothing and expect a handout is evil, yet there are those who espouse this in an ‘anti-work’ movement.  This is evil as it is expected others will work to support those who believe in such nonsense.  (Don’t confuse ‘anti-work’ with ‘retirement’; retirement is earned through the hard work provided over years of labor.  ‘Anti-work’ is young able-bodied people who expect consumption without production.)

What is Good is what God provides as good and defines in His Word as good; evil is what God provides as evil and defines in His Word as evil.  Accept no other substitutes, and if you are labeled as a ‘domestic economic terroristic deplorable neanderthal’ by those in the world, know that you are in ‘good’ company.

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