
See Through The Fogginess Of Life By Following His Light

Word-Of-The-Day:  ‘Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.’ (Psalm 119:105)

I can be a mental vegetable at times; one who performs rudimentary functions but can be at times at a loss for words.  This happens to everyone on occasion, usually when I’m about to write up the WOTD.  This does not mean I am incapable of thought or action, though. One day awhile back, our pool cleaner came by to do our pool-cleaning, which was needed as it had to be skipped the week prior due to our screening being replaced and then was ran off as the clouds burst into rain and lightning, a smart decision as the cleaner was holding a metal pole in a pool of water, which lightning loves as an inviting target.  Other than saying hello, I had never really spoken to her or know anything about her.

The day she returned decided to change that, and with a new NIV Bible in hand I went out to give it to her.  The one thing I noticed was her right arm was one tattooed sleeve of skulls, which was interesting as it was discomforting; would she accept it or toss it in the pool?   However, I try to practice what I ‘preach’ (well, teach) and said hello, and asked her how she was doing. 

The young woman responded in a friendly tone that all was well, and I told her that we were sorry the pool was in such a rough condition, and that we greatly appreciate all of her hard work.  I then told her I had something for her, and handed her the Bible, which she took and immediately opened it up and looked at.  She asked if it was King James, which I told her, no – it’s New International Version and written in ‘plain English’ so it is much easier to read and understand, and that it is the translation I use. 

The woman then opened up about going to church every week with her mom growing up in rural Pennsylvania, which gives us a commonality as a fellow Pennsylvanian.  She then mentioned she has a ‘2nd family’ with friends here who attend a Baptist church locally.  I asked her if she goes, which she shook her head no, so I told her we attend MBC and where it was at.  She continued to look through the Bible and said she had a KJV Bible but she didn’t read it as it was too hard to understand, but that she wanted a Bible that she could read, so she would start. 

She mentioned she didn’t mind studying, as she was an LPN but quit as she could no longer ‘watch people die and not be able to do anything about it’, so since she loves the outdoors she went to work with our pool service company.  I did not pull on that thread but, finding another commonality told her of our daughter being a nurse. 

Having to get back to work, I told our pool cleaner again I appreciated her hard work and if she had any questions, or needs anything to knock on the door, and left her to get our pool clean (after all, that’s what she’s paid to do, huh?).  Although having a mental vacuum day, with the Spirit guiding me, I accomplished an important task.  When in doubt, or in a mind fog, turn to the Holy Spirit and He will have something for you to accomplish. 

Psalm 119 is a psalm of didactic wisdom, or a teaching psalm of practical Godly living.  It is the longest Chapter of any Biblical book, being over 176 verses.  It is also an acrostic psalm, broken out into 22 sections or stanzas in order of the Hebrew alphabet (having 22 characters as opposed to the English 26-character alphabet).  Psalm 119:105 is the beginning of the 14th stanza, under the Hebrew letter ‘Nun’. 

When we discuss following the Holy Spirit, this opening verse of ‘Nun’ perfectly describes what the Spirit is for.  We all have on occasion mental fog; sometimes we also have fog spiritually as well, not knowing exactly where to go or what to do.  We sometimes have to filter information, and sometimes we have to filter an overwhelming amount of information; if we are not up-to-snuff in our Spiritual lives we can lose our way in the fogbank.  However, if we pray, read, and fellowship regularly, we exercise our Spiritual fitness to keep it in shape and we can find and turn on the Light of the Spirit that will shine upon the pathway we need to walk upon.  We can remember God’s words, Jesus’ teachings, and the Spirit’s presence to help guide our feet and in Faith know where to step and what to avoid.

This ability to see through the fogginess of life may determine whether we, and others around us, can move forward.  People often stick themselves in the past because they have nothing to guide them – or pull them – forward.  Sometimes we may think we are moving out in a wrong direction, but as I learned in the Army, move forward and adjust.  Sitting still accomplishes nothing.  When the Spirit says move forward, move and as you go the Spirit will correct you if you begin to wander off the path.   Fear is sometimes the things that will stop momentum, but trust the Lord in guiding your steps and don’t let the fog stop you!   

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