
Remain Free Under God

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.’ (2 Corinthians 3:17); ‘They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.”’ (2 Peter 2:19);  ‘It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.’ (Galatians 5:1)

There has been a historical correlation that when God wanes from peoples’ hearts, tyrants fill the gap.  As an example, we can look to Canada, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has slid the country into a restrictive bureaucratic state. Jason Whitlock, a former NFL player turned political commentator, noted that in the 1970’s Canada had 70% of its populace attend church regularly; the regular attendance now is at 10%.  Canadian churches have been burned down, with the excuse the Inuit (Eskimos) did this as they were ‘forced’ to convert to Christianity over 200 years ago (although many of the churches were outside Inuit-majority areas), and of course the recent turmoil of forcing ‘gender ambiguity’ on churches disregards God’s overarching dominion in what is preached within the churches (The Biblically Written Word) and who will lead the flock (Godly, biologically gendered & identifying as men). 

The Canadian government has failed its people, and most importantly has failed God. Don’t ignore what is happening in Canada, as it has happened here in the US.  The United States is also at that precipice; we are in that grey area between freedom and tyranny.  We are fortunate in Florida that we are still free, without mandates and our churches are not being persecuted – yet.  However, in several states, we saw governors cling to COVID mandates long after COVID ran its course where we saw churches be restricted in the number of people who could worship, and people in Boston, Chicago, Mississippi, Kentucky, and California (even in Tampa, FL) were either arrested, fined, or their license plates recorded for attending a church service (even within their cars listening to a service broadcast over a radio). 

The correlation between Godliness and Freedom is not a coincidence.  The Scriptures are clear that in order to be free, God must be sought after, praised and worshipped as He deserves to be, as our Creator and Provider.  When God is no longer revered, Freedom wanes.  There are those who state otherwise; but they instead create limitations by adding secular ‘rights’ that are not rights at all but ‘yokes of slavery’ when we equate them with rights.  Our Founding Fathers were given the Divine Providence to create the organization of a democratic republic based on the Freedom provided by God, but immediately secularism caused cracks in its foundation.  The God-Given Rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution) and the 3 foundational Rights in the US Declaration of Independence (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) are true Rights for free people.

As men focused on secular feelings, however, ‘desires’ became entwined with ‘rights’.  Some sound very good, such as the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to education, or the ‘right’ to nutritional meals.  These are not rights, however, but privileges that are provided out of the abundance of the American people mirroring the Love of Christ.  We as Americans have a duty to assist in the provision of those privileges as it behooves us to have a well-fed, educated, and healthy society.  Unfortunately, the line was crossed where the duties of Americans to voluntarily provide was mistaken to be requirements to ‘must allow’. 

Those ‘rights’ are not rights but desires, and not all desires are good nor should all desires be allowed, such as the ‘right’ to abortion.  One has the right to equal opportunity based on the individual’s freedom to achieve.    One does not have the right to expect equity of desired outcomes, as outcomes are based on individual achievement.  Education, especially collegiate education, should be earned through the desire of those wanting higher education.  Efforts to earn income to afford food and health care must be put forth by all who can work, and through this abundance of our work can we fulfill the duty to help those who are in need.  We have forgotten this as a nation.  We must follow facts (the Truth), not feelings or desires. 

When God is removed, Satan fills the gap.  Freedom is of God, subjugation is of Satan.  But for Christians living under secular (Satanic) subjugation, as is in the case of Canada, we continue to be free under God.  We may be physically restricted or persecuted, but as long as we do not allow ourselves to be silent for the cause of Christ, we are free.  In Daniel, we find even in the subjugation of Jews under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar, those who chose to follow God and not ole’ ‘Neb’ remained free.  To be truly free we must be truly with Jesus and follow Him.  To follow desires is to fall into slavery, first spiritually and ending in physical enslavement.

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