
Put Your Bible Theory Into Practice

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.’ (Psalm 32:8); ‘Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:9)

When it comes to God’s Word, the second-most prolific teacher of God’s Word is Paul (the first, of course, is Jesus!).  The Apostle Paul, in his Epistles (letters) of the New Testament covers a variety of topics on how to properly ‘how-to’ ranging from stewardship to marital relations to church activities & discipline.  But Paul knew that anything he (or Jesus) taught by way of speech or writings was meaningless if it was not applied to the activities of the people and followed.  What good is writing about stewardship if no one follows or applies those principles?  Paul in Philippians 4:9 essentially says ‘I’ve given you the theory, now go apply it in a practical exercise.’  

In addition to reading the Word and learning from the examples provided, there are situations we get involved in that may not be covered directly by a Scriptural reference.  God promises in Psalm 32:8 that He will provide us the ‘theory’ needed to achieve the results He (and you) need.  Through the Holy Spirit, or through fellowship, or through prayer, (or most likely through all three,) the Lord will give you the ‘how-to’ to resolve the issue at hand.  The key though is you still must act on His instructions.   

Do not let fear stop you from moving forward what God has told you.  Years ago, I had heard from a gentleman who at the time was an executive of Liberty University in their theological department.  He was a cop, but wanted to become more involved in his Christian Faith.  He wanted to attend Liberty, and prayed about it, but being married with children and seeing the cost involved, he at first thought it was too expensive to do so.  Nevertheless, he went and explained to the admissions specialist at Liberty his concerns, and through their assistance he was able to get his apartment paid through a grant, received a scholarship, and had then received financial assistance that allowed him to provide for his family!  By not giving into fear, he was able to move forward with what God told Him to do.  

It is great to learn God’s Word, it is more enriching and satisfying when you follow what you learn and put it into practice!

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