
Progress Must Follow God’s Word

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(21) Fear the Lord and the king, my son, and do not join with rebellious officials, (22) for those two will send sudden destruction on them, and who knows what calamities they can bring?’ (Proverbs 24:21-22)

Change for the sake of change is not always a good thing.  We do occasionally need to change; our cars wear out over time, and even with great care (not driving them over curbs, for example) eventually parts become hard to come by or becomes cost-prohibitive to run (gas mileage, oil leaks, etc.).  It was necessary for us to leave Pennsylvania 41 years ago, and (although it is not being planned or thought of today) it may be necessary by the Lord’s will for us to leave Florida one day. (I pray this isn’t the case, my next home is expected to be Sarasota National Cemetery in 20 years or so, Lord willing.) 

But change out of feelings or personal desires, and not with having God do some ‘planning review’ is not good and ends up creating a worse debacle.  Someone ‘felt’ that women should be allowed to curtail pregnancies through abortion (namely Margaret Sanger in an effort to eradicate the African-American populace). This ‘feeling’ progressively became a ‘right to choose’, exterminating tens of millions of unborn children.  The LGBTQ movement is progressive, trying to make abnormal behavior normal. 

The progressive movement in politics believed programs such as Social Security, Welfare, and Affirmative Action would bring solutions, but now we see these ‘solutions’ have brought ‘status’ and not achievement for rewarding people.  In church, the ‘feeling’ to include everyone created the movement to ‘adapt’ societal norms to supersede Biblical norms.  The attempt not to hurt ‘feelings’ end up hurting the church as these attempts go against God’s Word.  Does God care about your feelings?  Yes, but not at the expense of your obedience to His Word.  Jesus wept with others, and was saddened by the choices others made, but He commended those who were obedient, and let those go who could not.

God says in Proverbs 24:21-22 that we should not be into those who want rebellion or changes for the sake of change.  Eventually, there is always a ‘reset’, as in Martin Luther or the US Revolution, which seeks to return to God’s Word and His Will as the ‘standard’ – an ‘anti-change’ or pendulum swing toward righteousness.  The Word is the Foundation and it is the Truth that we need to obey.  While there are things that are good in progression (walking, to riding horses, to carriages, to cars and planes) we must also ensure God’s Word is followed.  (The Apostles did go out in one Accord, though I would have opted for a minivan.)  When we progress out of ‘feelings’, we bring about a chain of events that lead to eventual destruction through the need to reset. 

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