
Plan & Prepare For the New Year

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Jesus said,> I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.’ (John 15:15)

Being a new year, it is a good time to start thinking about your preparedness for 2024; think about what you had and worked well in the past (like during Ian and Idalia), and what didn’t work or what you didn’t have readily available; if you ran short of something, or ran into a snag, what do you need to make it easier to go through the next one?  Have you restocked what you used, while the stores are open and have those items available?

Are there items that are readily available that you can collect freely now? I’m thankful that we had a lot of trees that fell down in our yard and surrounding lots (praise the Lord they fell only on the ground and not on the house) that allowed me to ‘stock up’ on wood for the the firepit, though the fires are mostly for relaxation and weenie roasts. (I only wish my wood was as neatly stacked and split as the wood in the picture.)

Take note that other events may occur, a rail strike or a truckers’ shutdown would greatly impact the supply chain, as would unlikely but concerning possibility of other events (more riots, another pandemic, nuclear exchange) that may happen without warning.  Think about what you need, and start preparing for a minimum one-week period without open stores or the ability to travel to get supplies.   (Two weeks or longer would be better.)

The key is that you don’t have to get everything today.  Build up to having those supplies on hand.  An extra can or two of food during upcoming shopping trips, an extra $10 in ‘cashback’ each trip that you can set aside, filling your gas tank (and gas cans) when the car is at a ‘half-tank’ remaining; and eventually you’ll get to your goal.  Remember, if you don’t need it when the time comes (or prayerfully the time never comes), someone you know (a neighbor, friend, or loved one) might. 

While this may at first seem unrelated, one of the things Jesus does for us (when he becomes not only our Savior and Lord, but also our Friend) is that He prepares us for what Christians have faced, are facing, and will face.  All that Jesus knows about the future (except for the exact timing of events, such as the Tribulation, the Rapture, and His return – only the Father knows this) He has shared with us, through the Epistles, Revelation, and in Spiritual ‘nudges’ that are confirmed by others receiving the same messages.  Jesus may not stop us from experiencing the pain of the upcoming events leading up to these events but He does provide us what to look for, and how to prepare for them (study the Bible, pray continuously, and fellowship with other in the Faith).

We know bad things will occur to us who are Christians as it has happened in the past, and sporadically around the globe (and in the US) it is happening now – it is foretold in the Bible as a means for us to be prepared for these bad times, and Jesus has given us this warning to be prepared.

As Jesus calls each of you friends, so do I; it would be a disservice if I did not bring attention to things that I perceive occurring or that may occur.  He wants us to tune into the Spirit, and not only allow Him to guide us but to also use the Spirit to help others.   To obey the Lord’s commandment of Loving One Another is to look out for each other, to point out that which may be a pitfall or obstacle, and give advice on avoiding them.  Preparing, awareness and planning are not just physical events but mental and Spiritual; a plan on how to react is as important as having the items in front of you, and how you may use them to help others.  Jesus gives us this insight to BE PREPARED, BE AWARE, and PLAN ACCORDLINGLY, to share and to be ready individually.

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