a man coming out of darkness into the light for Murdock Baptist Church posting

Out of darkness, into light

I first read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings as a sophomore in high school. I remember the emotions it raised in me. The highs and the lows, as the company encountered trial after trial. The depression of Gandalf’s demise, the despair of Boromir’s betrayal and then death, the sundering of the company, the exhilaration of the chase to find Merry and Pippin, and so much more. What a roller coaster of emotions!! Yet there is one point when all hope is lost, when death and defeat is imminent in the lair of Shelob, when the weight of darkness is crushing all hope from Frodo and Sam, that light in a vial springs forth and renews their hope and their life.

I read a report this morning that the suicide rate in the United States reached an all-time high in 2022. This should not surprise us. We see and hear all around us about loneliness, isolation, identity, lack of connection and more. The walls around many seem to be squeezing them from all sides. The darkness is pressing down and pushing out all hope.

But I want to encourage you if this is where you find yourself or if you know someone struggling with these things. Hebrews 11 contains light in a vial. It is the testimony of many who trusted God even when it was difficult, when it was hard to see a way forward, and even in the midst of great persecution. They trusted God to be the promise-keeping God they knew. These kept promises weren’t ones they expected of Him or placed on Him, but were the very promises He made to them. And when we encounter — then trust and follow — this promise keeping God, there is light to dispel the darkness, depression and desperation.

The vial of light in Hebrews 11 is simply the Promised Messiah, Immanuel, God with us. Here is what John 1:3-5 tells us: “All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Unlike in The Lord of the Rings, you don’t hold up the Bible and give a command. No; if you want Christ (and the light He brings to your life), you must come to Him, leaving your former way of living, trust Him with all that you are, and following Him. And where will following Him take you? Out of the darkness and into the light!

Pressing On,

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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