
Mending Relationships Is A Righteous Pursuit

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(16) For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. (17) But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. (18) Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.’ (James 3:16-18)

In the writing of James, who was Jesus’ half-brother (perhaps more accurately ‘step-brother’); he provides a series of ‘do’s and don’ts’ for those who follow Jesus over the course of 5 chapters.  In the latter half of James 3 (3:13-18), James describes two types of thinking or ‘wisdom’ people are faced with. 

The first type of wisdom is ‘earthly’ or secular thought, or the thought of self.  The thought of self is greed, envy and jealousy; it is coveting that which one either doesn’t have or sees others possessing.  It can also be coveting to the point of not wanting to share what one has with others.  

The second type of wisdom is Godly, Righteous thought; the thought of others or the thought of love.  The thought of love is the opposite of self; it is wanting to share or joyful with others having blessings – even if one does not have those same blessings.  It is contentment with what the Lord has provided.

Relationships with others often are driven by one of these two trains of thought.  Relationships can be ripped apart on the account of ‘self’; many conclude it is better to end relationships out of personal desires, whether it is in business or family.  In most cases divorce is a decision one party makes over a perceived need that derives from selfishness or envy, without having weighed the needs of the others (the spouse or the children).  It can be convenience or an ‘easy button’ to end a relationship, where a parent, child, sibling or friend cuts off some or all of their family or friends so as not to deal with issues or differences.

Sometimes these rifts can seem irreparable, but with God and with applying Righteous thought, any relationship can be mended.  Issues can be overcome and differences can be settled.  It takes both parties to agree, but only one to initiate the ‘peace’.  It starts with putting away the need to be ‘right’ and applying the need to be Righteous.  It can be that some relationships will never be mended, but we know it will never happen until one party makes the effort.  If one is Righteous, there is contentment that one tried, the invitation is there for the other to accept.  It may take years but relationships can be mended, regardless of circumstance or time.  A repaired relationship can bring about great joy, with blessings of ‘catching up’ and sharing stories.

Our example in repairing relationships is Jesus!  Our Lord is loving and Righteous; His invitation is there for acceptance, for His forgiveness and His grace.  If one accepts, the rift separating Man and God is repaired.  God loves everyone, but only those who accept His invitation of Salvation can have that relationship. 

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