
Keep Working For A Righteous & Just Government – Persevere When It Isn’t

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!”’ (Acts 5:29); ‘Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.’ (Romans 13:1)

The last several days have been a whirlwind of positive change for the United States, at least as perceived by those who are conservative, including many Christians. The initiatives of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) in providing racial quotas in civilian jobs as been removed as a government mandate and is returning the workforce to a merit-based system. Capitalism is strongest when the best performers are rewarded and promoted for their initiative.

There is also the ongoing collapse of persecution of those who disagreed with the woke, totalitarian demands of the liberal agenda. Most social media sites no longer have restrictions on speech, and the current Presidential administration is correcting the wrongdoings done by the previous administration, which pitted Righteous thoughts and actions against the mandates and will of the ruling left’s socialist agenda. Burdens and injustices upon those who speak the Truth and uphold Godly principles are relieved through the political pendulum swinging back toward them.

The two verses anchoring today’s posting at first appear to contradictory; how can Peter & the Apostles call to disobey the ruling authorities (the Sanhedrin, or Jewish religious/social leaders) in Acts 5:29, yet Paul in Romans 13 states we must be subject to them?  Romans 13:1 has the answer; if God establishes the authority, it will follow His Laws and legislate laws based on His edicts and precepts; or it is doomed to fail, to prove God’s will is paramount over all.  God does not contradict Himself; if He establishes something, it is for His purpose, which is to promote His Holiness and our Righteousness. In Matthew 17:24-27, Jesus confirms Rome’s sovereign power to collect taxes (by having Peter go fish and catch the fish with loose change) and thus its establishment by God, though the Roman Empire was not just.

We can look at many examples in the Bible that shows this purpose to uphold ungodly nations in God’s actions, for His purposes.  God provided for the Pharoah in Egypt, and continually demonstrated the Pharoah’s contrariness in obeying God.  He eventually brought the plagues and via Moses led the Israelites away from Egypt to go into the Promised Land. God allowed the Israelites to choose Saul as their leader, based not on God’s Word but on Saul’s physical stature, allowing Saul to fail and providing David, God’s chosen king, to rule over Israel.  When Israel turned away from God, He allowed the Jewish nations of Israel and Judah to be conquered and taken away into bondage once again.

What happens when that government tries to usurp God’s rule and becomes unjust? God allowed the reign of the British King George III to govern the American Colonies until the king became immoral against the Americans and breaking Jesus’ Commandment of ‘Love One Another’ (through excessive taxation, subjugation, suppression of freedoms, etc.).   When man’s laws attempt to supersede God’s Righteousness and His Edicts, they become null and void.  Thus the American War of Independence was righteous and just in tossing aside the governance of England to form a government based on God’s righteousness. 

Today, the United States, born under the righteousness of God, has gone astray and has drifted away from the precepts of God and toward the precepts of man.  Israel did it, many nations before have done this, and now we see that it is happening here.  If a law is just and follows God’s Word, obey it – pay your taxes, pay your bills if you made them, follow the traffic laws and be loving and kind to the officer when he pulls you over for an infraction. 

When you find a law unjust, such as suppression to speak about Jesus, restricting the attendance of church services, allowing abortions, or other restrictions that are unrighteous and go against the Word of God, you have a duty to disobey those laws and instead obey God and the Gospel of Christ.  The Constitution is superfluous and means nothing unless God is obeyed first.  If God is ignored, the Constitution is meaningless as all of our Rights are given by God, not the Constitution. 

Remember, by the late 1930’s and into World War II, the law in Germany was to report any Jews to the authorities so they could be rounded up.  Many obeyed, and the Jews were reported when seen, rounded up into the boxcars and sent to concentration or labor camps.  Those Germans who righteously disobeyed and helped hide the Jews or move them out of Germany obeyed God, at risk to their lives and their families.

Do not say it can’t happen here; it happened recently in Australia and France, where quarantine camps, forced removal of children from families, and the need of a vaccine passport came upon the people due to COVID.  There recently was political persecution here in the US as the government rounded up and imprisoned those who were deemed insurrectionists (including some not involved in the J6 riots) – and still, despite a Presidential pardon, not all have been released from prison. Others were fired or censured for having ‘deplorable’ viewpoints or being unvaccinated, or placed on FBI watchlists simply for speaking against ‘woke’ lessons at school boards, or attending church services. When a group comes into power, and sends people to ‘re-education camps’, as what has been threatened in Canada, what will you do?   It could be us Christians are the ones who are rounded up, what will you do? 

Pray the Lord intervenes and that His Hand turns our nation, and our world, back to obeying Him first and foremost before this happens. Don’t be lulled into complacency by the results of the previous election; a President cannot turn the nation into a Righteous one. He can provide the roadmap the Lord gave him to promote Righteous actions, but it is God through the supplications and the works of His Church in performing the Great Commission that will return the US back to God. Keep working, keep praying, and stay vigilant to defend your rights, and your God.

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  1. Diane Thompson says:


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