
Hold Our Nation’s Leaders Accountable To God & His Righteousness

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘For the Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King; it is He who will save us.’ (Isaiah 33:22)

The new Presidential administration is, in my opinion, refreshing in attempting to swing the pendulum back by placing the American citizenry as the primary focus. This is through the application of Righteous and Godly principles of the current administration to lift up the American people in a positive fashion. This approach is the opposite of the previous administration’s blaming the American people for all the woes of the world through the application of Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals‘; projecting upon the citizenry their own failures, caused by the ungodly, feeling-driven incompetence and ineptitude of their leadership.

While there is much work to do and early in its progress, the atmosphere and environment change is a polar shift from negative to positive in a very rapid transition. This is a God-inducing change, with only the Lord’s power and ability to make such a change so rapidly. This is not the first time a nation has made such a shift with placing God first and allowing Righteousness to lead in policy and decisions; this also occurred in Old Testament Israel, as well. There is also a cautionary warning in the history of Israel, in the derailing of the Lord’s Will by its people.

The background for Isaiah 33:22 comes from the invasion of the Assyrians led by Sennacherib when Hezekiah was king of Judah (and stoppage of the invasion by God in 2 Kings 18-19).  There was corrupt leadership, failures in both the government and military, and general pandemonium throughout Israel and Judah, but God gave Isaiah the promise that if Israel returned to Him, things would change. 

The first thing that had to change was the hearts of the Israelites; they had to start individually respecting themselves and loving themselves, to see that the Lord would forgive them if only they would turn back to Him.  They had to have ‘Righteous self-esteem’, or the ability to understand that they were worthy of God’s Love and that God wanted to love them.  They had to first have Faith, then Trust, then Obey the Lord, and give to God the honor & glory He deserves, in order then to have the honor & glory themselves to hold their heads high and do the right things, like ‘doing unto others as you would like others to do to you.’  Know that you, if you accept Jesus as Lord over your life, are a Child of God, and that your Father God rules over of All of His Creation!

The United States is at this same juncture in its history. There is a wave of optimism in the US through the new administration and its introduction of change in handling issues and performing the business of the nation. There is much in the speech of our President and his Cabinet members and advisors that invoke the name of God, and the actions demonstrate a return to Truth, or leading with ‘facts over feelings’. The American people, however, need to be wary and watchful that our current government continues to hold onto Righteousness, lest we stumble back into falling out of God’s favor as Israel and Judah did after Hezekiah passed, returning to following their own feelings, projecting their failures upon the people, and falsely believing their own power was capable to sustain success.

When we as a people start being Righteous, and hold our leaders accountable to be Righteous as well (through electing those who are righteous, moral and ethical) and holding them accountable to God, then we will have a leader, who like Hezekiah, acknowledges God as what Isaiah 33:22 describes; the true and only leader of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government. We will then return to ‘One Nation, Under God’ and once again enjoy the fruits of ‘Liberty and Justice For All’. 

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One Comment

  1. Diane Thompson says:

    Thank you for sharing this. At times I become wary of things I hear, but I am always praying for our nation to again return to “One Nation Under God”. Oh how we need Jesus!

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