
Hold On To ‘The Wonder of It All’

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth.’ (Psalm 33:6); ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.’ (Psalm 19:1); ‘Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.”’ (Luke 5:26)

The Psalmist (David in Psalm 19 and likely Psalm 33) saw and described the wonderment of Creation in the heavens above.  It was likely not known just how expansive space was and far the stars were until the invention of the telescope, but even today with all that is being discovered in the expanse of the heavens is incredibly awesome.  Just how hard is it to comprehend the largeness of the spatial expanse is until we hear of the New Horizons spacecraft, launched in 2006, reached Pluto in 2015, and then a ‘rock’ named Arrokoth in 2019 as it is heading out into interstellar space.  It will take approximately 40,000 years before it gets close to another solar system.

Consider this is still within the Milky Way Galaxy, with many more solar systems to ‘fly-by’ in the Milky Way, and there are more distant galaxies, millions more, beyond that would take eons to reach (which it won’t as it doesn’t have the escape velocity, and likely not the time).  The vastness of space is (or should be) awe-inspiring to us given the magnitude, yet to God it is all within His grasp.  Compare that to the sub-atomic particles that everything is made of, down to the subatomic particles, and knowing that God made those as well is even more awesome!

The context of Luke 5:17-26 is Jesus forgiving and healing the paralyzed man; the wonder and awe that must have filled the crowd who witnessed that miracle is the same awe in knowing that our God that can heal a body with a Word, also creates everything from big to small, and is in control.   When I see the pictures of a distant object by a space probe or of an atom through the lens of an electron microscope, I am amazed and in awe that the Lord has created these things. 

Take time to look around, even if it is not the stars or heavenly objects – look at what the Lord has created.  The trees, the grasshoppers, the squirrels – all our God’s creation, made for a purpose, and what we may take for granted God made it for a reason.

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One Comment

  1. Theres times (moments) I spend staring at everyday objects of nature including the details of a flower’s blossom; the textures, shapes and sizes of trees and a recent book of titled Hubble’s Universe (discoveries made.)

    God of Heaven and Earth amazes endlessly!

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