
Helping Takes Ability & Willingness

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(4) But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God… (8) Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.’ (1 Timothy 5:4, 5:8); ‘He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. (1 Timothy 3:4)

As we approach Fall Festival, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, we will be either asked or will want to help others in various ways. To help others, there are two things that must exist in those who have a desire to help: the ability and the willingness to help.  If either of these two things are lacking, the help will either be non-existent or it will cause friction with someone else.  Of the two items (ability and willingness), willingness is the more important of the two; the lack of ability can be overcome, through learning to become able or by teaming up with someone who has the ability.  If one is unwilling to help their own family, are they really going to invest full effort into helping another person outside of their family? 

Timothy’s discussion about ‘family first’ is compatible with John 15:13 (‘Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.’). When someone is able and willing to take care of their family, they are willing to take care of others as if they were family.  A soldier will protect his ‘brother in arms’ because he (or she) understands that it would be reciprocated if the roles were reversed.  We donate our ‘time, treasures, and talents’ to our church as we are in the Family of Christ; Jesus laid down His life for us, first as if we are family, and after Salvation because we are Family.  We then give out of the abundance of ‘time, treasures, and talents’ we have to other organizations, like Jesus-Loves-You and Pregnancy Solutions. 

Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for those who came before Him to provide them Salvation; David, Job, Noah, and many others who were Righteous.  He also sacrificed Himself for those who followed, namely us who profess Faith in Him alone.  Jesus took care of His Family first.  Jesus asked us (in paraphrase), ‘Would we give our children snakes or stones if they were hungry?’ in Matthew 7:9-11; one would hope not!  

Would we give to other, unrelated children the food while giving our children snakes or stones (or vice versa)?  Of course not!  We would prayerfully give our children the food, and out of the abundance the Lord provides additional food to those other children in need.  Never feel guilty if the ability to give is not there, but pray that we are always willing, as we always need to ensure we take care of ‘within’ before we can take care of ‘outside’.

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