
Grab The Steering Wheel & Correct Course

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.’ (Isaiah 3:9)  

In Isaiah 3, Isaiah warns Judah (specifically Jerusalem) of pending judgement against it; no one wanted to stand up and rule Judah (at least properly and in Righteousness).  Instead, the leaders (and by their leadership, the people) are self-indulgent and aren’t looking out for the nation, but looking in to improve only themselves.  The nation becomes a ship without someone on the bridge to steer it, and eventually it either becomes aground and stuck or runs into a rock or iceberg (like the Titanic) and sinks.  Either event causes everyone to have a bad day.  Unfortunately, there are those who lead with self-indulgence and greed who stay on the bridge and steer the ship in the mud or the rock on purpose, believing on the journey there, after they are relieved, someone else will either correct course or fix the damage they cause, without care or remorse.  

There are many parallels we see between Isaiah’s Judah and our United States, and on a larger scale, the world as a whole.  In the US, where the people are (supposed to be) the power, we have many leaders in every level of government who have forgotten who they work for and have tried to turn the tables.  They use the power of ‘feelings’ to make people more dependent on government, to increase their own power.  They persuade others to back them by encouraging immoral ‘but-it-feels-good’ behavior to take hold, and soon we have what we have today; a society accepting governance that allows and promotes sin and unrighteousness while slowly criminalizing and persecuting Righteousness, replacing God with Self.  

As in Isaiah’s Judah (which transcended Hezekiah’s rule), the pattern is somewhat (but not exactly) similar.  A nation that was Godly, that pulled away from God.  A nation that briefly returned to Righteousness but couldn’t stay there, which led to its eventual destruction.  There is still time for us to turn back to establish God as our true leader, to follow His precepts and not that which men devise.  Our decisions need to be for God, and not for debauchery.  As we head into the next election cycle, pray for the Lord to give discernment, to see the ‘pattern’ that is unfolding, and to obey the Lord by following Him and help change the course.

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