
God Overcomes The Odds

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<David said to Goliath,> “All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”’ (1 Samuel 17:47)

We find David in 1 Samuel 17 is going up against Goliath, who is (along with his four brothers) the biggest man in the world.  Over 9 feet tall and trained in combat for his entire life, on paper he is the overwhelming favorite.  (Las Vegas likely wouldn’t even have this available to bet on.)  But David has something Goliath doesn’t have, Faith in God. 

We know Jesus has no need for ‘conventional weapons’ to defend Himself or His people.  We do know David, being a little teenager at the time, couldn’t wear armor or carry a sword.  But David could (and did) pick up five stones and with his skills using a slingshot, throw a stone in Goliath’s direction.  David knew that without God, there was no way he would survive, let alone win this battle.  Many Israelites tried to discourage David and have him go back home.  But David was steadfast and continually rebutted their doubts and condemnation, and knew he plus God had the fight won before it started.  Thus, when David locked and loaded his slingshot and flung the first stone toward Goliath, he had that ‘beyond-Faith’ knowledge that stone was going to kill Goliath. 

The one thing we can learn in this story (other than don’t always bet the overwhelming favorite will win, like Goliath, and also Mike Tyson when he lost to Buster Douglas); what the Lord provides is good enough for what is needed.  All David had that he could use was his slingshot.  All we may have is Scriptures if we encounter someone who we face who is hostile to us.  It’s good enough, but we also have to know how to use them, like David did with the slingshot. 

Obviously, he must have practiced using in to become proficient.  We need to go to the firing range to know how to shoot our guns, or we lose proficiency in them.  The same is for the Bible; we need to be continually reading it to know for sure what it says.  We need to be in continual prayer to know what Jesus’ plan is for us and for what we need to do.  We sharpen our knowledge and understanding through interacting with other believers. 

Jesus does not want us to be unprepared but to be ready for what may occur; this is why he has the disciples get swords for self-defense purposes in Luke 22:36.  Obviously, a sword or firearm or slingshot is not always needed in most people’s lives, but God’s Word is.  Knowing the Word is better than having a sword as the Word can correct, defend, and attack which is in conflict with us.  It can be used to verify doctrine that is not accurate or misleading, and most importantly can lead one away from confrontation in the first place. 

Be ready by ensuring you use the Scriptures, pray to Jesus, and fellowship with other Believers to be fully prepared for anything causing trouble!

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