Soccer for Murdock Baptist Church posting.

Give Respect to Gain Respect

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Jesus said,> “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.’ (Matthew 7:12); ‘(7) In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness (8) and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. ‘ (Titus 2:7-8)

Respect is a two-way street.  In order to gain respect, one must not only earn respect but show respect.  When we see a lack of respect, often by public figures to the ‘Joe Plumber’s’ of the world, most of us lose some respect for those public figures.  The backlash from many conservatives toward the US Women’s Soccer Team this year, as an example, is a result of team’s lack of respect to the American people, which vis-à-vis no longer wish to show them respect.  Thus, it should not be surprising when people reject those who reject the views of others indignantly.

Jesus tells us the simple formula to gain respect in Matthew 7:12. Treat people in the same manner that you would like them to treat you.  Consider that there are no people below you, or above you; we are all equals.   Our actions, mannerisms, and speech should reflect respecting others.  We see throughout the Gospels Jesus conversing with people as an equal, though He is God Manifested.  Jesus provided people the respect and treatment He wanted from them; He heard them speak so in turn they would hear what He had to say.  The conversation of the Samaritan woman at the well, who could be called promiscuous based on the number of husbands she had (and living with a man she not married to) is an example of this.  Jesus spoke to her with respect, and in turn listened to what she had to say, and in the end won her over to receive Salvation.  There are no castes or classes when it comes to sharing the Word with people.

Paul, in writing his letter to Titus, explains that we need to set the example and do good through our actions, our speech, and in our teachings.  Teachers are in short supply due to the lack of integrity the profession has nationwide; many teachers and some parts of their union are not concerned over teaching the truth but instead concerned over teaching their feelings.  Paul tells Titus that in order to gain a foothold of respect, one must speak the Truth, teach the Truth, and act upon the Truth so that those who may not like you may turn into being your proponent.  Being a Christian, I want people to be my proponent, not for me or my sake but for the cause of Jesus in helping spread His Gospel.  

If we are to be effective for the cause of Christ, we need to be like Him; respectful of others, lovingly correct those who err or are wrong, and simply step back and walk away from those who what to stay wrong.  We should never lower ourselves to gain respect but lift up others in providing them respect so they may reciprocate in kind. 

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