
Follow The Law Of The Land; Don’t Circumvent It For Convenience

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(14) If you fear the Lord and serve and obey Him and do not rebel against His commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the Lord your God—good! (15) But if you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel against His commands, His hand will be against you, as it was against your ancestors.’ (1 Samuel 12:14-15)

Our new President in his first week has accomplished much. The hope is this continues as the trend is in removing the curtailments in and to the rights of the American citizens, especially those that were secular in promotion at the expense of Christian doctrine.

One of his more controversial Executive Orders (EOs) includes rescinding ‘birthright citizenship’, or one who is born in the boundaries of the US or a territory of the US (like Puerto Rico or Guam) is automatically a US citizen.  This claim to the right of citizenship is through the interpretation of the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution:  ‘All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.’ 

Legal pundits who oppose this EO assume this guarantees a claim of citizenship for those who are born inside US boundaries, even if the mother is here illegally, or is here visiting but happened to give birth while in the US.  The assumption is the child, upon birth, assumes all rights and privileges affording US citizens, including benefits and protections US citizens can claim.  Usually, the parent or parents may stay as guardians to keep the family together, then used to bring in other members of the family as well (grandparents and siblings who live outside the US), who are given benefits as well.

This interpretation is one of the catalysts of illegal immigration. Having an ‘anchor baby’ born in the US allowing a family not only to stay, but allow other family members in, bypassing the lengthy process to immigrate into the US legally.  It also has opened up a ‘birthing tourism’ trade with several nations, where a woman in her 9th month of pregnancy will fly into the US, give birth in the US so her child will gain a US birth certificate and birthright citizenship, and leave with the child to go back home.  The child and the family can later come back to the US, birth certificate in hand, to claim the child’s birthright and use that, similar to the ‘anchor baby’, to gain permanent residence in the US, bypassing the legal process.

The EO argues the Citizenship Clause does not guarantee birthright citizenship in these cases due to the phrase ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’ within the Clause itself.  A visiting tourist or an illegal immigrant is subject to their own nation’s laws. The visitor, for example, is not subject to paying US income tax, required to register for the Selective Service, or take part in the Decennial Census.  They are not to be called for jury duty, or allowed to vote. 

Most nations do not have the interpretation that ‘birthright citizenship’ is for those passing through or who have stayed past their visa time limit, like the illegal immigrant or the pregnant tourist.  The EO does not go against the 14th Amendment, but seeks to clarify its meaning and close this apparent ‘anchor baby’ loophole by removing that interpretation as being proper.

This will likely go to the US Supreme Court for the final determination of the official interpretation of the Citizenship Clause.  Regardless of that decision, the ‘anchor baby’ and ‘birthing tourism’ method to emigrate into the US is a circumvention of the proper procedures and processes to enter and stay in the US.  The convenience for those engaging in such actions is at the expense of those who are naturally-born US citizens and those who legally emigrated to the US.  It should not be easy to gain what Americans have, but instead earned.  Even for us who are naturally-born citizens, we earn our citizenship daily, through our paying of taxes, obeying the laws of the land, and performing the duties and responsibilities of citizenry.

Likewise, given the stature of ‘Child of God’ is also not easy, though it may appear to be.  Some believe it’s simply mouthing a prayer, stating acceptance or a belief of Jesus, and ‘Waa-laa! I’m now a Christian!’  But we as Christians know it is more than just saying the words, it is also living the words, and acting out the meaning of what it is to be a Christian, a follower of Christ.  One must also pay the cost and obey the precepts laid out by the Lord in His Scriptures, performing the duties and responsibilities of what it is to be a Christian.  

We cannot circumvent God’s rules to fit our needs or to make it more convenient for us.  Following God and His principles is not easy for many, especially those with and living in the Secular Worldview.  The Bible is full of ‘If/Then’ statements, if you follow God, then God will provide; if you don’t follow God, then God will not, or God will provide correction.  The Bible is a book of procedures to live our lives for Christ, if we follow Jesus, we are to follow His Word and His Gospel.  When we try to circumvent His procedures for convenience, we typically run into trouble.  Abortion, as an example, usually starts out with the act of intimacy circumventing the act of marriage, then circumvents the act of parenting and ‘being fruitful and multiplying’, in addition to circumventing the 6th Commandment (Don’t murder), all for ‘convenience’. 

You may be thinking, OK, but why does circumventing the US Constitution show a disregard for God?  Romans 13:1-7 is clear we are to follow the laws of man, and since the Constitution is the ‘supreme law of the land’ (and in my opinion was divinely inspired by God to our Founding Fathers) circumventing the Constitution is a disregard for the Lord.  Again, God’s rules supersede man’s rules when in conflict, but when there is no conflict follow the law of the land.  The ‘king who reigns over you’ in 1 Samuel 12:14 for us Americans is our Local, State and Federal governments; God specifically states those governments should also follow Him and His rules. 

In Jeremiah’s day, the king and his court did not follow God even though Jeremiah and others did, and God’s hand went against them and sent them into exile. Today, we see our elected members at all levels of government often go against God’s will, both against His Word and our law (the Constitution).  We should not be surprised when God’s hand moves away from us.  It is never too late for repentance, however.  Pray for our elected leaders to turn away from convenience and circumvention, and turn to the Lord and His ways. Pray that the current administration continues to follow the path it appears to be on.

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