
Everyone goes to Heaven, or do they?

I ran out of time Sunday.  Although the world wants to say that everyone goes to Heaven, this isn’t true because of the issue of justice.  In America we are fighting about the meaning of justice, but everyone wants justice (even if only by their definition).  Justice for the wrongs that are perpetrated on you and your loved ones, whether that is due to someone’s drunk driving — amoral actions — or careless indifference, are of paramount importance to the injured.  Add into this mix the hatred and wanton destruction by the leadership of Hitler, Stalin, Mao and others, and the cry for justice is deafening. 

The grave simply isn’t enough justice.  And the idea that these individuals would get a pass to spend eternity with their victims is incomprehensible.  Yet our God is a God of justice.  The greatest of wrongs, murder, caused the blood of Abel to cry out from the ground to the God who created Cain and Abel.  Why?  Because all sin, all wrong, is first and foremost against God, then against the individual who has been harmed. 

Where is the justice of God seen?  Well, two places; Revelation 20 tells of the judgment of God and the justice poured out on Satan, the arch-enemy of mankind.  The chapter concludes with the judgment and justice poured out of all those of mankind who would rather live to themselves than to God.  The end result is an eternity in the Lake of FIre that does not end.  The other place where the judgment and justice of God is seen is at the cross.  There, on the cross of Calvary, the wrath of God for all sin was poured out on the Son of God that all those who will trust and follow Christ Jesus will be acceptable to God, for Jesus will have borne the wrath for them. 

There is ultimate justice in the economy of God, either in the cross by Christ for our behalf or in bearing the wrath of God individually resulting in an eternity of separation from God and eternal exclusion from Heaven.  Whatever measure of justice you desire for a wrong enacted upon you will be found in the justice of God.  But be aware, there is also justice for all you have done, first against God and then against others.

Pressing On,

Ron Tipton, Senior Pastor

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