
Don’t Tread Water with False Narratives, Seek The ‘True’ Truth

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.’ (Isaiah 9:2)

In the secular worldview in place today, we have many sources of ‘truth’ that do not hold facts or proven evidence as ‘truth’, but instead use desired outcomes that have no basis or foundation. There are many examples in social constructs, the media, and even science where the desired outcome (what we feel we should have) is given as fact, even though it is not based on actual outcomes, or the truth. This social construct provides the narratives based on false premises and not on factual data.

Many people believe the false narratives because of the dark shroud that covers the Truth.  If one only hears or sees the false narrative from multiple sources, then the false narrative becomes the perception, and for many perception is reality.  The same applies to the Gospel; many people do not believe Jesus or His Gospel because of the dark shroud covering the Truth by the Secular Worldview.  The perception of reality for many is ‘self’; ‘if it feels good to you, do it’.   People are also social by nature and want to be part of the ‘in’ crowd; Christianity has never been historically for the ‘in’ crowd.  The people of the New Testament churches, for example, were often pariahs of their society and often persecuted for their beliefs.   Even today, ‘churches’ try to fit into the ‘in’ crowd and be less of Jesus and be more of ‘self’. 

When the shrouds of darkness are lifted, when the removal of ‘self’ is replaced with Christ, only then can the Truth replace perception as ‘the real deal’.  This is why it is important – more important than a billionaire buying a social media company – for us as Christians to share the Word with others.  If we don’t help in lifting the shrouds of secularism off of others, then we are helping to hold them in place. For example, Noah built the Ark, first as a clarion call that the Lord was about to flood the Earth (nothing advertises ‘the wrath of God is coming’ than to build an Ark in the middle of a desert). 

If there were modern, ‘Progressive Christian’ churches (with the doctrine of ‘we believe in the Bible except for those parts we don’t agree with’) in place back then, they likely would have had signs in front stating, ‘we welcome and love those who are non-Arkists’ and would sing songs of ‘staying dry’ because ‘God would never flood the Earth’.  Noah of course built the Ark for the primary reason that God told him to build it to save himself and his family (along with every species), and when the rains came, Noah sailed away while those who attended the ‘Non-Arkist’ churches tried to tread water. 

Today, we are the clarion call, the billboard to tell others that Jesus is the Truth and He is coming back for His people.  There will be many who will not respond, but some will.  Those who will respond will be freed from the shroud covering them and will be allowed to ‘board the Ark’ and sail away with Jesus in the light; those who do not respond, or respond to the Churches of false narratives may be shocked to find out Jesus’ spiritual Ark has left the dock, and they will find ‘self’ cannot save them from the Eternal darkness they will soon face.

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