
Don’t Forget Jesus!

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(7) Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this. (8) Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, (9) for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained.’ (2 Timothy 2:7-9)

This is in context to Paul, in prison, telling Timothy in his 2nd letter to him not to forget Jesus, and to be more like him – and Him.  Paul is telling Timothy that there will be trials Timothy will go through, which Timothy did – it is assumed he was killed as an old man preaching the Gospel to pagans. 

Paul warned Timothy not to forget Jesus as we can surmise like we see today of many people who we know, like old acquaintances or relatives who we had close contact with, that now that contact us on a birthday. Some had a closer relationship with Jesus at some point but over time the relationship faded.  Perhaps it was from the ‘beatdowns’ of being a Follower, or the latest ‘flavor of the week’ or ‘current thing’ pulls the person away and Jesus becomes an after-thought.

Paul implores us (and Timothy) not to let this happen, that the ‘bright shiny objects’ or ‘squirrel moments’ that we see here in our mortality are temporary.  Is playing golf or having a career OK?  It is, but only if it is secondary to Christ.   Personal ambition needs to give way to Godly pursuits.  It does not mean one cannot have a career in a chosen field and exceed in it, or that one cannot try to improve their handicap in golf, but these cannot be allowed to supersede the need to serve Jesus as He desires us to do. 

As with those who leave us, if we are not careful Jesus can fade into the background if we don’t take the time to remain connected.  Keep Jesus at the forefront of your Rolodex – don’t let Him slip into the background and He’ll always be right in front of you leading the way!

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