
Don’t Fear – Be Prepared When ‘Doom’ Comes Knocking

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<God said to Israel through Isaiah,> ”For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”’ (Isaiah 41:13)

With the election a week away, pundits from both sides are promoting ‘doom’ if the other side wins. Draconian measures like martial law to suspend civil liberties that cause internecine warfare to break out between the factions of political dogma, race, or geographical locations, or one side rounding up the other to place in FEMA internment camps. Weakness shown by the US (more than what others already perceive by our current administration) can cause actions around the world, as those actions lead up to US reaction and involvement, which could precipitate ‘World War III’.

There are also the ‘doomsday’ natural disasters that keep popping up in news feeds speaking of the possibilities. Powerful solar flares taking out our communications due to ‘Electro-Magnetic Pulsation’ (EMP), the big San Andreas earthquake that will slide California into the Pacific, or the mega-volcano erupting under Yellowstone National Park that will cover almost all of the continental US under a thick blanket of lava and ash – except for southwest Florida, of course, thanks to the big November hurricane that will blow the ash away from us – but may blow away our homes, as well.

I am being a bit facetious and overly dramatic (and please note there are NO expected November hurricanes brewing in the Gulf or the Atlantic that will affect us). It is not to say these things, in whole or part, won’t happen. They could, and likely there will be some type of event or events similar to those described that will one day occur. Given enough time, or enough pressure, such items may happen. They may not be as dramatic as described, or they could be worse. The likelihood however, while possible, is fortunately improbable.

Disasters have occurred before, and people have survived them. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis have struck with great devastation before, and we have had our own recent bouts with hurricanes in the last couple of months. Wars, riots, and conflicts continue to break out over disputes (sometimes over trivial reasons) as they have done so since Cain hit Abel with the rock. So things could occur because they have occurred before. Let’s pray that they don’t, but know that God’s plan has us enduring the ‘birthing pains’ of the End Times.

We also may run into personal disasters, such as health issues or the loss of a job or our home. Accidents and unplanned events occur that can send our lives in a tailspin quickly. No one likes to think of these things but they do happen. What can we do to get through any of these things that can negatively impact us, from either a corporate or individual point of view?

The items I mentioned are survivable (if you’re reading this, you’ve proven this statement).  How we survive and thrive in these things is actually simple; of course, BE PREPARED, BE AWARE, PLAN ACCORDINGLY.  Stock up on food and necessary items to get through a month or two of service or supply chain disruptions.  It does not have to be all at once, just a little at a time.  Keep gas in your car(s), and check to make sure the fluids are at good levels, and inflate your tires properly to maintain a good wear. 

With interruptions in the supply chain increasing (though not to the level seen during COVID), it may be necessary to have needles and thread on hand to ‘darn’ socks or fix a hole in a pair of pants (though the style of having holes in the knees may put you in the forefront of current fashion trends). 

It may never get as bad as it did in the Great Depression, but there are a lot of lessons that we can follow from our parents and grandparents that lived through it to get through what we are likely to go through.  The Bible tells us it is in God’s purpose that we be prepared for troubles, physically as referred to in Proverbs 21:20 (save something for later, don’t consume everything quickly) and Spiritually as referred to in Matthew 24:44 (Jesus is coming back, be ready when He does).

Being ready Spiritually is most important, as the Spiritual preparation will drive the physical preparation.  Before you ‘man up’, God Up!  Be in the Word, pray continuously, and be in fellowship with other followers of Jesus (as in your Life Group that I pray you attend).  I again state that we may or may not be close to the End Times and there are no guarantees that we are the generation that will see the start of the Great Tribulation or the Rapture of the Church. 

We are all Brothers and Sisters in Christ, and by helping each other out and being there, if only to support each other in Spiritual needs but possibly in physical needs and encouragement.  How we navigate through these storms is to stick together, use social media or pick up the phone and call or text folks or send e-mails.  Think of you or your family as a stick.  One person or family without support has a greater chance of failing.  If a family ties in to other families, it can stand longer.  When these families are tied to God, you’ve made a tripod of support that can firmly stand and cannot fall or fail as long as the weight of the world is given to God to support.

Go to the MBC services (in-person if at all possible is the best option), and get involved in a Life Group or a Bible Study class; there are many on Sunday morning and Monday evening as well as throughout the week at MBC and other Bible-believing churches.  Read your Bibles (even 5 or 10 minutes a day is a good start) and pray!  Get to know your neighbors, and if they are Believers – great!  If not, share the Gospel with them.  If they don’t come to Jesus now, they may turn to Him when things get worse, and you’ve already built that bridge to help support them.  Our connection together, through Jesus and with Him leading the way, will get us through the troubled times, as He has always led us in the good times!

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