
Choosing Proper Leaders

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(13) <Moses said to the Israelites,> “Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you. (16a) <Those chosen to lead,> Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of anyone, for judgment belongs to God.’” (Deuteronomy 1:13, 16a)

These two verses in the beginning of Deuteronomy 1 comes from the Lord through Moses, as the Israelites were in Moab preparing for the 40th year of wandering to end and embark into the Promised Land of Canaan.  This was Moses’ recap of events that led up to this moment, almost a message of ‘here’s what happened last time; don’t screw it up this time.’.  In this message we find what we could consider the basis of our democratic-republican system in what he tells the Israelites; choose the best people – those who are wise and respected, and have some idea what’s going on – to govern over the them.  The Mosaic Organization of Governance is how the US is set up; we have separate governance for local areas (Neighborhood HOAs, city/county districts); cities; counties; states; and finally, the federal/national level of government.

The people we select, no matter the level, should be ‘the best’.  They should be honorable, Righteous, wise, and impartial.  They need to be respected by, and in turn respecting of, those who they oversee.  Our representatives, up to and including the President, should have no bias and need to be strong enough to do the right thing – the Godly thing – regardless of popular opinion (or worse, partisan opinion).  When we go to elect our next round of representatives, regardless of level, we need to ensure their compatibility with these criteria first. 

Why the US is in a post-Constitutional phase now is the US is also in a ‘post-Biblical’ phase morally; our government and the people we’ve elected (in general) are secular, amoral, and are afraid to confront the ‘woke’.  Why the scandals?  It is that we have failed to elect the people that are Godly, moral, and honorable.  We can change this through following God, as we can change the culture.  Never forget, we the People elect those who we most want, and we elect those who we most deserve.

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