
Beware The Misleading Lies – Seek The Truth In The Word

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Jesus said,> (43) Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. (44) You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (45) Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me!’ (John 8:43-45)

Every year, during the Christmas season, we unfortunately see a rise in the displays of Satanic symbolism and false religions in the public forum throughout the US.  Outside of Christmas, whenever a Christian-focused children’s event such as the Good News Club stands up and gets organized, it often sets up an opposing Satanic or secular club that provides an opposite viewpoint to compete against these Christian offerings.  This is also coupled with politics, where there are attempts to mislead the public through lies, half-truths, statements without facts or corroboration, and this is done by both politicians as well as the news media.  Often people fall for the lies and in doing so, oppose the Truth.

This is not a new phenomenon; In John 8 (after He, the One without sin, sends off the crowd from stoning the adulteress, and tells her to sin no more) Jesus is speaking to both the Pharisees and to His followers.  To the Pharisees, they do not believe Jesus is the Messiah and do not accept His preachings, while some of those who followed Him where more into ‘self’ than into the Truth.  They did not understand that which was in front of them; they told Jesus they were of Abraham and thus ‘free’.  Jesus rightfully told them they were not free due to their sinful actions, and due to their pride not allowing them to accept that they were subjects, not citizens, of Rome. The lies they were told soothed their palates, but did not reveal Truth.

Because of this, many did not accept Jesus as Messiah.  The Truth to them was not as appetizing as the lies, and so they were slaves to Satan.  Today, people believe in the lies, where they do not want to accept, and therefore want no one to accept the Good News of Jesus and so they lie about having an alternative to the Glory of God which has no equal or alternative that can match.  The false and misleading statements can be appealing but they lead to destruction, a life away from God.  It may be ‘cool’ not to be a Christian according to the secular world, but we know that it’ll become very hot for the non-Christian come eternity.

How can we stand up for Christ?  Quite simply, we tell the Truth.   Share the Gospel, be a good witness for the Lord, and when confronted – even on non-religious matters, speak the Truth.  The only thing that will defeat the lie is the Truth.  When it comes to the Truth in the ‘marketplace of ideas’ in the public arena, Truth always wins!  Seek the Truth, speak the Truth, and never turn away from the Truth. Stay in prayer, fellowship and study the Word – the Word of Truth that comes only from Jesus – and seek His discernment when the Truth is not known.

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