
Be Free To Speak, View & Read – Only Limited By The Holy Spirit

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.’ (James 3:5); ‘(36) <Jesus said,> “But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. (37) For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”’ (Matthew 12:36-37)

We have the freedom to say what we want, but it is not always wise or prudent to do so.  Free speech is exactly that; the freedom to speak, view or read your opinion on any subject, limited only by the need to avoid slanderous comments.  Speech is not just limited to what you say, but includes what you read or view.  It should also be limited by the conviction of the Holy Spirit; for example, a secular American may feel free to view pornographic material, but the Christian should be convicted by the Holy Spirit not to. 

While God has His limitations, we have seen in recent times a push by others to limit our freedom of speech, to approve or disapprove what we say, view, read or express.  The danger is, of course, who is defining the ‘approved’ or ‘disapproved’ list of items.  Neither the Christian or secularist should determine what is proper or not for others to speak.  To force someone into a Christian-only form of speech is not Godly, as God has provided people with free will; the Crusades failed in part due to the force and threats used to gain converts, instead having Muslims turn on them to push them out of the Holy Land.  In the same vein, people who attempt to curtail Christians who speak of the Gospel of Christ and Truth need to be opposed, firmly but in demonstration of God’s love for them, even in their disobedience.

The limitation of the freedom of speech and expression is not a legal issue but a Godly, moral issue.  In James 3, Jesus’ brother explains the Truth of the tongue.  While there should be no lists pertaining to ‘hate speech’, the Christian needs to recognize restraint when sharing the Gospel or speaking Biblical Truths.  We must fight for our right to express our love of Jesus and oppose government or societal limitations on free speech, but as Jesus stated in Matthew 12, what we say and how we say it – even the Truth – will be judged. 

For example, we can be against abortion and express sorrow and forgiveness to a woman who is thinking of an abortion or who has had one, and express our disdain for abortion while demonstrating our love – hate the sin, love the sinner.  We should not be calling her ‘baby-killer’ or threaten to burn down the abortion clinic.   We have every right to express our disdain over the abortion issue, but we also need to be careful not to fan the flames of hatred as it may backfire, as it did with the Crusaders.

Don’t fear to examine what is the Truth, and don’t fear in expressing yourself in what you read or view, or what you post.   Trust the Holy Spirit to be the arbitrator for yourself and others in what you take in and what you express, not others, and speak up and defend the Truth vigorously, not with accusations but in love and constructive purpose.

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