
Be Awake & Based, Not Woke & Broke

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(3) Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.  (4) They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” (5) But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.’ (2 Peter 3:3-5)

While we may debate that we are in the ‘last days’ that the Apostle Peter mentions in his 2nd Epistle, it is undeniable we are living amidst a large number of ‘scoffers’.  These scoffers are part of the ‘woke’ crowd (in my definition, those who follow their feelings rather than facts) and not part of the ‘based’ crowd (those who follow facts over their feelings).  We see that those who follow evil desires are following not facts but feelings; it is a denial of Truth and an acceptance of falsehoods.  Most importantly, it is a denial of God, His Omnipotence, and His Creation, and instead accepting Man and his failings, and explanations that Creation was ‘natural evolution’.

These ‘scoffers’ replace Faith with ‘faith’; no longer having Faith in the Triune God but having faith in man’s abilities and intelligence.  The ‘woke’ have faith in the feeling that man can control his environment through his finite abilities.  It is a faith in this feeling that is intoxicating; the ‘woke’ movement has grown to where it has overtaken much of society today, throughout most of the world and especially the western, ‘1st World’, nations.  It is believed by the ‘woke’ man can control the climate and gender assignments, even who should live and who should die, through abortion and euthanasia. 

The faith in what ‘man’ can do without God comes from those who have not experience with God, either through their own deliberate ignorance or others who are deliberate in not sharing the Word with those considered ‘undesirable’.  For example, in ignorance North Koreans have faith in Kim Jong-Un as their ‘god’, and it is due to them being deliberate in not questioning this falsehood, and for those in leadership being deliberate in suppressing the Gospel being provided to the people.  Almost everything secular is false.  Even the title worn proudly by the ‘woke’ is a lie; they are not ‘woke’ but ‘asleep’ to the Truth (1 Corinthians 15:18).

However, we who are Christian and have Faith know the Truth, and we who have been walking with God have had Faith slowly convert over into Knowledge; I have Faith that God would provide, but having seen God provide over and over, I know He will.  We cannot give up, either on our Faith with the Lord or our Faith we will persevere in the midst of the scoffers’ swarm.  Reject what is not True and accept only that which is True, and in Righteousness, push back against evil, through involvement through church and Christian organizations, or involvement in ‘non-partisan’ organizations like government or school boards, and be the beacon of Truth in a world darkened by lies.

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