Linda Kersten
Get to know Linda, who heard a need mentioned and stepped up to help clean the church’s restrooms. Continue Reading Linda Kersten
Get to know Linda, who heard a need mentioned and stepped up to help clean the church’s restrooms. Continue Reading Linda Kersten
The AWANA Club wants to thank all the volunteers who made this event possible. We welcomed new families and had a total of 42 children register for the AWANA Club. Continue Reading AWANA kick-off was a great success
Preschool Water Day was held on Sunday, August 20th during the 1st hour (Preschool thru 5th Grade). Thank you to all the volunteers that were involved in letting the children cool down during a hot summer. They had a blast! Continue Reading Preschool Water Day: the children say THANK YOU!
We are still in need of volunteers for the AWANA Kick-Off Event: Pop Back to AWANA on August 23rd. Continue Reading AWANA Volunteers Needed for the Pop Back to AWANA Event held on August 23rd
The team wants to thank our church and members for their prayers and support in filling our first request. Continue Reading CarePortal
Sign up to participate in this year’s PraiSing Event, August 16th at 6 p.m. This will be a family dinner time, where you are able to share a talent, song, or dramatic reading that honors the Lord and would be a blessing to the church. Continue Reading Got talent?
Diane has volunteered her time to help out not only in the office, but behind the camera to help record our Sunday Service. Continue Reading Diane Traynor
Tax-free time is NOW for children’s clothing and school supplies, so let’s start shopping for Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Continue Reading “Operation Christmas Child” Shoe Boxes
Alison has volunteered her time to help out by not only vacuuming but also in many areas throughout the church from the Children’s Nursery to the office. Continue Reading Alison Mangione