lamb in a palm

True, lasting peace through Christ

Peace!  We cry out for peace!  Peace in Israel.  Peace in Ukraine.  Peace in the corridors of our government.  Peace at the borders of our country.  Peace in the streets of our land.  Peace in our homes.  Peace within ourselves.  What causes this lack of peace?  What is this peace we so greatly desire in… Continue Reading True, lasting peace through Christ

fruitful grapes hanging on vines

Fruitful relationships

In our staff meeting on Monday, Gordon asked the following question: “What is the fruit of an apple tree?”  The immediate reply would be an apple, correct?  Gordon pointed out that if the fruit is only the apple, then in one generation there would be no more apple trees.  The actual fruitfulness of an apple… Continue Reading Fruitful relationships

holy spirit white dove flying from hands

The truth shall make you free

What is the key that unlocks forgiveness?  So many struggle with the idea of forgiveness – needing it, wanting to extend it, even forgiving themselves.  So what is the key to forgiveness?  John 8:31-36 is crystal clear that truth is the key to forgiveness.  Truth about who we really are, what we really need and… Continue Reading The truth shall make you free

cheating on test

Cheating is a shortcut – to losing

Normally this spot has something to do with the previous Sunday’s sermon, but not this time.  I read an article today which astounded me, and I imagine it will you, too.  The article says that about 11,000 out of 30,000 runners in a marathon held in Mexico City were disqualified for cheating.  Their cheating was… Continue Reading Cheating is a shortcut – to losing

hand drawing out the word prevention with a cross

An ounce of prevention – worth a ton

“Pay me now or pay me later” and “An ounce of prevention versus a pound of cure” are two adages I grew up hearing over and over. These phrases immediately came to mind as I listened to Al Mohler’s The Briefing last week as he shared an article from USA Today about school supplies. When… Continue Reading An ounce of prevention – worth a ton

Lone Ranger with Silver the horse

Who was that masked man – you?

Are you a Lone Ranger Christian — thinking you can go it alone and never allowing anyone to really know who you are, what you need, how you are hurting? Our passage in today’s message speaks to our relationship with Christ being one of community. The Jewish nation was always about community. Their worship, their… Continue Reading Who was that masked man – you?

man running the race image for the Murdock Baptist Church Blog, baptist church near me

Endurance brought on by faith

Hebrews 11 is a chronicle of the race run with endurance by faith of many Old Testament saints.  And today’s message from Hebrews 12:1-13 is the call to today’s children of God to run the race (whatever it entails for each individual) with endurance brought on by faith in Christ, who saved us. Continue Reading Endurance brought on by faith

a man coming out of darkness into the light for Murdock Baptist Church posting

Out of darkness, into light

Unlike in The Lord of the Rings, you don’t hold up the Bible and give a command. No; if you want Christ (and the light He brings to your life), you must come to Him, leaving your former way of living, trust Him with all that you are, and following Him. And where will following Him take you? Out of the darkness and into the light! Continue Reading Out of darkness, into light