Little Drummer Boy illustration

Remembering the greatest gift at Christmas

Tonight I watched the Little Drummer Boy again.  I am always humbled that a small destitute boy brings the only thing he has to the newborn Savior, the playing of his drum.  I remember years ago at the end of a Christmas program an elderly lady gushing about the message that night.  Her only disappointment was that… Continue Reading Remembering the greatest gift at Christmas

amnesty bin

The amnesty box – one temporary, one eternal

Recently, when flying back from vacation, this box in the corner just before the airport security checkpoint caught my attention. It was an amnesty box. Being the curious person I am, I asked the security person if I could ask a question before proceeding to the scanning area. What is an amnesty box? Her reply… Continue Reading The amnesty box – one temporary, one eternal

hands offering to God

Approaching worship the right way

Be on guard so that your life, and more importantly, your worship, is not hijacked by rampant consumerism.  Our American culture has fallen under the sway of “have it your way.”  Everywhere we look, the emphasis is on our expectations, specifications and our satisfaction.  We covered this in part on Sunday when we looked at “Presenting… Continue Reading Approaching worship the right way

cargo ship in storm

A safe harbor or a save harbor?

Someone has said, “Ships are safe in the harbor, but this isn’t what ships are created for.” Unfortunately, many in the church have a “harbor mentality” in which living and interacting in holy huddles is their day in, day out way of living. As I shared this morning this is akin to digging a hole… Continue Reading A safe harbor or a save harbor?