open tomb for Jesus

The march of time – and its promise

(Credit to Gail Mount and Diane Traynor for the beautiful display created in above picture.) So Easter (Resurrection Day) service has come and gone for another year.  How does this remembrance impact the other 364 days of the year for you?  When I was younger, each flip of the calendar was a march towards another… Continue Reading The march of time – and its promise

heart lock on fence

About that ‘follow your heart’ thing…

As I prepared for the sermon for this morning, I searched to see what others said about “follow your heart.”  Here is what Steve Jobs said: ” Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.… Continue Reading About that ‘follow your heart’ thing…

woman holding head sitting in bed

The cure for what ails the heart

Walking through this past week has taught me something, but let me set the stage first.  I missed this morning’s service (actually joined online) because I was sick.  I had also been exposed to COVID recently, but when I tested it came back negative.  I had symptoms (fever, aches, cough, fatigue head and chest congestion)… Continue Reading The cure for what ails the heart

woman stressed out with hands over her face

To-do lists and proper focus

I read an article long ago, just a few weeks before my mom passed away.  It was on time management and stress.  It was written for those of us who make lists and live life by accomplishing the things on those lists.  Now, everything on my list is important, right?   But this article asked the… Continue Reading To-do lists and proper focus