
Reading Your Bible: A Holy Practice Leading To Holy Habits

Yesterday, we looked at reading the Bible as a holy practice that leads to holy habits that result in holy living.  Psalm 34:8 tells us, “Taste and see that the Lord is good!  Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” Psalm 119 is written by stanzas using each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.… Continue Reading Reading Your Bible: A Holy Practice Leading To Holy Habits

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The Cost Of Christmas – A Priceless Gift That’s Free

Remember the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas”?  A partridge in a pear tree and five golden rings are the ones I most easily remember.  What is the gift for day 11?  Got it??  (I will give you the entire list at the end of this blog.)  I have found it interesting over the last… Continue Reading The Cost Of Christmas – A Priceless Gift That’s Free

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Past and future

Yesterday in our staff meeting, Gordon made a statement about the importance of genealogies to the Jews.  This got me thinking about the genealogies found throughout the Old Testament and in the gospels.  Their lineage allowed them to trace back the family line and provide a point of reference; it was an anchor in their identity, and… Continue Reading Past and future

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Not just a four-week message

There is something special about Christmas music for me.  I know there are some who think it should only be listened to after Thanksgiving.  If you are around at various times throughout the year, you will find Christmas music playing as I study.  There is something special about the songs that remind me just how much… Continue Reading Not just a four-week message

talent management with people in meeting

Talent, incompetence and service

Ever hear of the Peter Principle?  In business it means that people rise in hierarchy to their level of incompetence.  There is no Peter Principle at play in the parable (Parable of the Talents) we looked at Sunday morning.  Instead, the Master knows exactly the competence level of every individual and gives each individual exactly what… Continue Reading Talent, incompetence and service