
Ask Jesus For His Will To Intervene

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘(14) This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (15) And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him. (16a) If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life…’ (1 John 5:14-16a)

The Apostle John wrote this Epistle, likely while on Patmos where he was exiled, to provide Christians guidance on how to ‘navigate’ in a lost world; how the Christian can walk and avoid the pitfalls of the secularism that back then, as today, was in society.  In latter half of Chapter 5, John provides that all need to have Faith in Jesus, who He is, what He did upon the cross, and His unending love for His children who accepted Him. 

John simply puts it in perspective in 1 John 5:10: Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony God has given about his Son.  Those who deny Christ are liars, and thus reject the Truth.  How can some fall so far into a lie that they even deny their physical attributes or sexual orientation?  If they reject the Truth, they also easily reject basic facts.

Will Americans do what is right and follow facts in a Godly fashion and ask God to intervene, or are we going to continue down the ‘woke’ road that will lead to our destruction?  In Weimar Germany (post World War I), there was 25% of the German population in the 1920s that identified as what we term today as ‘LGBTQ’.  This led the majority to seek a correction and did so but not through God. Instead, the ascension of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came, reducing the percentage down to 3% for LGBTQ by the 1930s as the majority did not want the deviancy and debauchery to continue, and brought the violence and persecution the Nazis advocated. 

This is not an endorsement of how the Nazis took care of the problem (two wrongs never make a right), but a warning that we need to find a way to ‘wake from the woke’ those who identify as LGBTQ (and all outside the will of God) and seek a more factually-based, more modest and Godly lifestyle rather than the violent, vocal scenes that unfortunately will lead to some form of snap-back from the majority that will result in more violence.  What we can do as Christians is to ask the Lord to provide those who are living a sinful lifestyle evidence of their wrongdoings so they can then repent and ask God for forgiveness.

How can we prevent a calamity from occurring?  We need to earnest pray for all those outside of God’s will, out of love for them and not out of the hate of their sin, to repent so God will give to them the opportunity to follow Him.  What would happen if a sizable percentage of those outside of God’s will turns away from their sin and turn to God, out of the love we can provide by asking Him to intervene collectively in Christian fellowship?  I pray this is realized in God’s loving ways, and not in a reaction of man’s doing.

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