
Ask God Before Taking Action

Word-Of-The-Day: ‘<Hanani the Seer said to King Asa,> “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You <King Asa> have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.”’ (2 Chronicles 16:9)

The context of this verse is King Asa of Judah, who, instead of turning to God to help remove the blockade King Baasha of Israel has placed around Judah, bribed another king, Ben-Hadad of Aram (Damascus) to stop supporting Baasha.  Asa took good and silver from the temple and gave it to Ben-Hadad, who then reneged on his treaty with Israel and sent his forces to fight Israel.  Israel had to withdraw and the blockade ended.

Prior to this, Asa had listened to Azariah the prophet and turned to God, removing the pagan idols of worships and reinstituted the worship of Jehovah (putting those who did not repent and return to God to death, which may not be the best method of evangelism tool to use).  He was committed to God, yet he did not turn to God in this critical juncture.  This also caused Asa to allow Aram to escape the Army of Judah, who defeated other nations per God’s directions and help.  Thus, through Hanani, God told Asa that he would be at war.  A couple of years later, with a painful disease in his feet (likely either gout or plantar fasciitis), and again not turning to the Lord but only to physicians, Asa passed.  His son ‘Jumping’ Jehosaphat became King and followed the Lord closely, so the neighboring nations would not attack Judah.

We often try to do things in our own power.  God does allow us to do such things, though he doesn’t want us to. In all things He wants us to consult with Him, and ask Him what we should do.  The example of Asa is one where a person thinks they have the right solution at the right time and have the wisdom to pull it off.  Often, though, there are things we don’t know, the ripple effects that are created when we act alone. 

God knows all the possibilities and knows the best solution for His plans for us.   God can also provide the energy we need to solve the problem, instead of exasperating the issue.  Don’t stand alone, pray for the Lord’s wisdom when facing a dilemma, and for His strength and courage to make it through!  If not, you may find yourself having more problems than just the initial one, just like Asa.

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