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Our outreach ministry strives to spread God’s Word and share His love, and demonstrate how God’s love changes and benefits the lives of people near and far. Here are some of the many ways we work to meet individual needs through relationships with others within our community.

Ministry and Partners

Gordon Caldwell with Cuban woman ready to baptize her.

Cuba Ministry

Twice a year church members go to Cuba to share our salvation testimony, share the Gospel and to support the Fomento Baptist Church in their ministry, expansion and humanitarian needs. We have led many to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, as well as receive salvation in Jesus Christ.

homeless men sitting at table ready to eat with Jesus Loves You Ministry staff

Jesus Loves You Ministry

Jesus Loves You Ministry, Inc. is a ministry to the homeless located in Charlotte County with services reaching into south Sarasota County.

North American Mission Board

North American Mission Board PrayerConnect

Murdock Baptist Church encourages you to connect with missionaries and chaplains by praying for them and their work, either through
specific ministry prayer requests or on their birthdays.

Prayer support is critically important to your missionaries church planters and chaplains as they share the gospel with compassion.

If you would like to receive weekly prayer updates via texts, you can do so by texting PRAY to 888123.

Baker Family

International Mission Board

Please pray for these 3,650 missionary units (single person or a family) who are at the international frontiers sharing the gospel and gathering people into church plants.

Pray for our IMB Family, the Bakers who are doing missionary work in Budapest. Monte, April, Joshua, Elizabeth, Olivia, Stephen

Good News club - school children

Good News Club

Good News Clubs are weekly Christian programs for kids 5-12 years old featuring a Bible lesson, songs, memory verses, and games. We have many volunteers from our church delivering the timeless truths of the Bible to the children at Meadow Park Elementary School here in Port Charlotte.



AWANA is a discipleship program that helps build a Biblical foundation for preschoolers, ages 3-5, and children, K-5th grade. We meet every Wednesday night from 5:45 – 7:15 p.m.

Pregnancy Solutions logo on top of image with baby in belly

Pregnancy Solutions

Pregnancy Solutions provides assistance to pregnant women and future fathers’ needs from initial examinations through post-birth needs, focused on ensuring the welfare of the unborn, and sharing the love of Jesus with those who come for help.

Florida Disaster Relief volunteers cooking

Florida Baptist Disaster Relief

The mission of Florida Baptist Disaster Relief and Recovery Ministries is to “Make a difference” in times of disaster by connecting Florida Baptist Churches and Associations, like Murdock Baptist Church, to the people and communities impacted by a disaster and by responding with Help, Healing, and Hope, that demonstrates and shares the love of Christ.

Winshape camp - kids having fun


WinShape creates next-level camps that turn summers into meaningful experiences for campers and families. Camp is the place where friendships take root, Jesus and His Word is front and center, and the fun is non-stop. Murdock Baptist Church is proud to be a part of this memory-making adventure that instills the Word of God with our volunteers and youth campers.