Movie Night & Chili Potluck

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Bring your best pot of chili and then join us for an encore presentation of "Letter to the American Church". This film lays out the parallels between early 1930's Nazi Germany and other totalitarian regimes with what is happening in American today and how the church has been mostly silent facing this evil. This film… Continue Reading Movie Night & Chili Potluck

PraiSing Spaghetti Dinner

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Join us for our fourth annual PraiSing, a fun, family night of dinner and music! All are welcome!

Thanksgiving in July

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

You heard that right! Come join us on Wednesday, July 24 at 6:00 p.m. for a Thanksgiving potluck dinner, along with games and a message from Elmer Yeager. Please RSVP at the back counter in the Fellowship Hall or call the church office. A list of food to bring for potluck is also located there.

Quarterly Church Conference

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Cuba Report Night

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Come and hear how God is moving in the hearts of the Cubans and in the lives of the volunteer missionaries. Also hear how God has answered your prayers for the Cuba team. You might just feel God speaking to you about going next time.

Ladies’ Spring Picnic

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

Come and enjoy a fun afternoon of delicious food, interesting conversation and special music. Ashley Brantley from Jesus Loves You Ministry will be sharing her testimony, along with what is happening at this great ministry in our community. Tickets are $10. Why not invite a friend and join us for a delightful afternoon together!


Christ in the Passover

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

We will start the evening off with a Potluck dinner, so please bring a dish to share. Following dinner we will enjoy the presentation "Christ in the Passover". Passover celebrates the exodus of the Jewish people from their bondage in Egypt under Pharaoh. However, Passover is also a powerful foreshadowing of Jesus the Messiah's sacrificial… Continue Reading Christ in the Passover

Quarterly Church Conference

Main Building A, Fellowship Hall 18375 Cochran Boulevard, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States

We operate as a congregational church polity which means the membership is informed and votes on church business.  Our church conferences are scheduled quarterly so the church membership can vote on membership requests, hear reports from various teams, and review the church financials for the previous quarter.  We have special call church conferences, announced prior… Continue Reading Quarterly Church Conference